
The community for ClojureCLR is on Gitter: - you’ll get a better response there
Goody 2017-09-19T07:31:09.000189Z

Hi all, I'm having a problem when trying to use ClojureCLR via nuget.

Goody 2017-09-19T07:31:33.000018Z

When I try to copy the .dlls and .exes into a single folder and run I get the following excetion.

Goody 2017-09-19T07:32:45.000267Z

Is this a known problem? I've tried to see if there's an open issue, but I can't see any issues section on Github.

Goody 2017-09-19T07:33:25.000303Z

I can run it from the binary download, so no big problem, but would be nice to have the nuget version as an option.