Hi, what’s the prefered way of posting code to this review channel? Inline, files, or gists?
@paulspencerwilliams: If the number of lines is reasonable you can post inline. Otherwise a gist or refheap work.
You can use triple single quotes around your code to format it.
@meow: cheers; there’s two files so I’ll go gist :simple_smile:
So I’d appreciate any advise in refactoring my drinks.csv to sql conversion utility to more idiomatic Clojure. My current implementation translates from a list of ‘paths’ from the drinks.csv file, through a hierarchical tree so that I can traverse it inserting parent records first. It’s really just for learning so I’m not interested in extracting file paths etc. Just how to improve the core code. https://gist.github.com/c09ab21f292d14e144c9.git