I’m trying to learn by translating some of Peter Norvig’s python (http://norvig.com/sudoku.html) to clojure. Could anyone point out what I could do better here?
(ns sudoku.core
(:require [clojure.set :refer [difference]]))
(defn cross
"Cross product of elements in A and elements in B."
[a-list b-list]
(for [a a-list
b b-list]
(str a b)))
(def rows "ABCDEFGHI")
(def cols "123456789")
(def squares
(cross rows cols))
(def unitlist
(concat (for [c cols] (->> (cross rows (repeat 9 c)) set vec sort))
(for [r rows] (->> (cross (repeat 9 r) cols) set vec sort))
(for [rs ["ABC" "DEF" "GHI"]
cs ["123" "456" "789"]]
(->> (cross rs cs) vec))))
(def units
"Hash-map with squares as keys and the units of each square as a list of
(into {} (for [s squares]
[s (for [u unitlist :when (some #{s} u)]
(def peers
"Hash-map associating each square and its peers."
(into {} (for [s squares]
[s (-> (units s)
(difference #{s}))])))
@sooheon: ah, interesting. I am quite familiar with Norvig's sudoku code as I rewrote a variation of it to go with a QML Sudoku app I wrote.
my python version is here: https://github.com/pkobrien/sudoku/blob/master/sudoku.py
@meow: Hey it’s been a while! Spent the summer doing other stuff but back to learning clojure again :) I also have the test code
(deftest sudoku-setup
(testing "Basic unit tests for the board."
(is (= 81 (count squares)))
(is (= 27 (count unitlist)))
(is (every? #(= 3 %) (for [s squares]
(count (units s)))))
(is (every? #(= 20 %) (for [s squares]
(count (peers s)))))
(is (= [["A2" "B2" "C2" "D2" "E2" "F2" "G2" "H2" "I2"]
["C1" "C2" "C3" "C4" "C5" "C6" "C7" "C8" "C9"]
["A1" "A2" "A3" "B1" "B2" "B3" "C1" "C2" "C3"]]
(units "C2")))
(is (= #{"I2" "A1" "E2" "A3" "C1" "B1" "B3" "C3" "C7"
"A2" "C6" "G2" "C5" "F2" "B2" "C8" "C4" "H2"
"D2" "C9"}
(peers "C2")))))
Nice, I can look through both yours and Norvigs version
Norvig's version is slightly flawed in that it will produce puzzles that can have more than one valid solution, which is usually NOT what you want from a sudoku generator
My version fixed that
But my code reflects my then infatuation with OO code.
I hesitate to really look at it because I'm sure I'll hate it now.
The QML app I created was quite nice, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, it convinced me that QML was not what I wanted to work with long term and then I moved on to Clojure and I am so glad that I did.
I wrote a fair amount of unit tests for that Python code: https://github.com/pkobrien/sudoku/blob/master/tests/test_sudoku.py
Wow this is all very helpful, all the differences/improvements to Norvig’s code will be great to study.
@sooheon: cool
Anything about my clojure code to critique? I wonder if there’s any better way to do the (is (every? #(= 3 %) (foo))) test...
I haven't done that much unit testing in clojure (something I'm just now working on) but those tests look good to me.
I would tend to do (every? #{3} ..)
But there are some tradeoffs there I presume. I would assume (partial = 3)
to be more performant, but, in my mind, the “set of 3” allows you to think more about data and less about the particular operation you want to perform (i.e. =
@potetm: Thanks, the set notation makes for much more readable reports than anonymous functions when the test fails as well.