I feel like this is really ugly code, and I'd be happy to have someone look at this and give me tips: https://www.refheap.com/d9418416ff7a30e9668721c9e
I would start pulling the values in the let binding out as functions
replace both maps in the let bindings with a for
the maps with the #() literals
sort-by + last is really bad, I would at least change those to something like
(first (sort-by (comp - :points) ...))
really bad time-wise? there's at most 4 players
last is linear time
I mean, I guess for 4 players it doesn't really matter, but it seems l ike a bad habbit
I mean I'd definitely be giving it more thought than just using last
if it were a list of anything more than 4
thanks for the tips @hiredman, it looks a lot better :simple_smile:
I should stop trying to shove everything into let