here a url where you can see the site in action :
Sorry @roelofw I didn't realize I wasn't in this channel
I like to pull down repos and run them locally but it looks like I can't since I need an api key. First thing I suggest is to update the readme with the purpose, if you can run it locally, design decisions you made, etc.
I can give you the same api key as I use in a pm
@roelofw you can pass a :query-params
map instead of building the query-string manually e..g here
@snoe : oke , can I then have the same url as before
you mean the key and format part ?
oke, I will hit the manual of clj-http how to do that
you can drop everything after the '?' and put it in a map like {:format "json" :key apikey}
oke, but the key must be a secret so I have to pull it out with environ
so it will be (client/get {:as :json :format "json" :key (env :key})
as I understand your right ?
and the sentece above it , will be (str <>" id "/tiles?")
not quite (client/get (str "<>" id "/tiles") {:as :json :query-params {:format "json" :key (env :key)}}
oke, I can do the same for the other urls , right ?
right, yeah
thanks, I will try it
the rest is pretty good for a first project. I'd look into your editor and find a way to auto-format removing extra spaces and trailing parens
changed it and will try to build it
and it worked
now I will change the rest and update my repo
@snoe : thanks for the remarks , so I learn more and more about clojure
@roelofw you might also want to look at http-kit over clj-http depends how many ids
you're doing in parallel.
moment, one problem at the time
I'm not suggesting you do, just know it's available
@snoe : can you see if I made a error here :
( str "<>")
(client/get {:as :json :query-params {:key (env :key) :format "json" :type "schilderijen" :toppieces "True"}})
drop the ?
Ì see now a empty output
oke, I changed it and try again
hmm, still empty output
vs {:type "schilderijen"}
@snoe : you mean like this : (client/get {:as :json :query-params {:key (env :key) :format "json" "type=schilderijen" :toppieces "True"}})
nope, I see then a error message
no, in github you didn't have the en
at the end of the value
you were using schilderij / but you just pasted schilderijen
oke, I did things too fast
I will change it
thanks, that worked well
@snoe , Do you want to see the new code ?
sounds like you got it, but I did notice this last pmap
should probably be a map because merge
is so fast
oke, I can change that also
and the maxium api calls that run in parallel are 10
IM looking at http-kit and try to figure out how to change the code t
if the max is 10, i'd stick with clj-http
Thanks for all the remarks
no problem
and here the changed code with your name mentioned : this reduce
looks like a map
to me using
you can be right, I takes a map and returns a map
I have to rewrite it then
the only thing I have to figure out is how to deal with 2 variables result and id.
as far as I know map can only take a anymous function with 1 parameter
What happens is that I have a id of this type : NL-SK-C-5 and I need this SK-C-5
so I can do (map (fn [item] (subs id 3) )
results is just the intermediate vector you're building up inside the reduce right?
I think you're close with that map
yes, as I see it result is the accumelator
I think also, Im only afraid I loose the rest of the map
how's that? map-id
is the list of the NL-
prefixed ids and you want to subs
each one.
you can do almost anything to a list with reduce
, map
etc are just a level of abstraction above. especially when learning clojure if you ever feel the need to use reduce
first look through clojure.core
for a function that fits what you want to do more closely
No the map looks like this { id: "NL-SK-C-5" : painter "Rembrandt" :year 1658 }
and I only have to change the id and keep the rest
or do we misunderstood each other
I'm pretty sure read-numbers
is returning a vector of ids like ["SK-C-5"]
you are right, Im confusing functions . Too late here to think well
@snoe : I think this one is better (map (fn [item] (subs (:id item) 3) )
I will try it
hmm, that gives a empty seq , even as (map (fn [item] (subs item) 3 ) [] map-id)]
in read-numbers, how are you able to use the :artObjects
key when the body is a json string?
I also noticed in the json response that there is a key called "objectNumber" that is exactly what you're trying to get when you substring the id
Because client/get { :as json}) convert the json to a clojure object
that's odd, it's not doing that at the repl
might be because I'm bypassing the middle layer wrappers at the repl
can be map-id looks like this:
oke, this one works (map (fn [item] (subs item 3 )) map-id)
@snoe : does this look well or can I improve it
@gdeer81 what output do you get from read-numbers then ?
at the repl you get json. I was pulling out the object numbers with
(re-seq #"SK-[A-Z]-[0-9]{0, 4}" body-of-response)
json respons from this
( str "<>")
(client/get {:as :json :query-params {:key (env :key) :format "json" :type "schilderij" :toppieces "True"}})
that is very wierd
also, I'm running a bare repl with only clj-http as a dep, I'm not running it from the project
side note, why are you calling str when you only have one string?
o, that is a left over from another remark
I think I can delete that
okay, I see where you're concating the id. wow the codebase keeps mutating out from under me lol
yes, that is for me the learning process
learn how I can do things "better"
@gdeer81 this better :
(defn read-numbers
"Reads the ids of the paintings"
(let [data (-> (client/get "<>" {:as :json :query-params {:key (env :key) :format "json" :type "schilderij" :toppieces "True"}})
map-id (map :id data)
ids (map (fn [item] (subs item 3 )) map-id) ]
ids ))
:as :json
is dependent on the cheshire library being present
@hiredman thank you. Okay I spun up my repl with lein try "clj-http" "cheshire"
and it gave me enough dependencies to test the function
@roelofw Spoiler alert, you can do all of that with (->> (client/get "<>" {:as :json :query-params {:key (env :key) :format "json" :type "schilderij" :toppieces "True"}}) :body :artObjects (map :objectNumber))
you can lose the partial and use ->>
okay, updated the snippet
@gdeer81 oke, and object-number is the number without the NL part ?
and can I make test for testing all functions
I did that is not going to work because of the external api
@gdeer81 yes, this is also working :
(defn read-numbers
"Reads the ids of the paintings"
(->> (client/get "<>" {:as :json :query-params {:key (env :key) :format "json" :type "schilderij" :toppieces "True"}})
(map :objectNumber)))
the code gets shorter and shorter
Time to sleep now
Thanks all
until next time
if you have other remarks , write them down here or make a issue
Have a good day, @gdeer81
will do