@gdeer , pushed all the changes with credit to you
Did some changes to read-numbers so I could test it
I think in a few days I push a version with test with clojure.test
@gdeer81 : found issues or is everything well now /
Sorry had a production deployment last night so I didn't get a chance to keep digging
work is more important
just like private life is more important then work is my oponion
@gdeer81 what do you use for testing ? spec/midje/clojure.test ?
my new years resolution is to use spec and generative testing
As a beginner it's important to try em all 🙂
I think you are not a beginner anymore
you know more then me
I'm currently trying to get passed being an advanced beginner and avoid being an expert beginner http://daedtech.com/pics/ExpertBeginner.jpg
@gdeer81 I think I may be stuck in that expert beginner cul-de-sac!
P.S. not sure many ppl ever get to expert...been a Java dev for 19 years and I'd only count myself as proficient!
@agile_geek that is why I think it is really important for everyone at every level to have a mentor. guiding someone helps reinforce what you know and working with someone that knows more than you will help you learn new things
I would agree and add that working with someone with less experience helps me learn as I'm often forced to rethink assumptions or build a different mental model in order to explain something.
I think im still a novice
still a lot to learn
and right now learning gets in a very low pace
it costed me a whole afternoon to make one test
I think it will cost me a few months to go to the next level
maybe do some more work on my project and maybe continue with 4 clojure or another practice site
@agile_geek @gdeer81 Sounds like a good plan ?
Yeah, I think learning in different ways is useful.
I can make a detail page where the painting is shown and some data under it
let your project rest if there aren't any show-stopping defects, do another project or do some problems and then come back to your project later with a new set of eyes
I can make more tests with first clojure.test and maybe later spec
adding tests are good as well
Another project I have to think well, My ultimate project is making a sort of accounting site but that is too far away for now
here is one that is a little more involved than 4clojure problems but it won't be too involved that you couldn't finish it: https://stanfordclojure.com/#/assignments/pset1
oke, one problem did I see earlier
I think I cannot email the solutions like the page said @gdeer81 ?
no, just do the solution and then you can post your repo in this channel
oke, that I can also do
the first is the same as a challenge for 4clojure
@gdeer81 I do not know how many time it costs to solve all the challenges
yeah I'm still not finished with the 4clojure problems. I like to mix it up , so I go back and forth between puzzles and projects
I m was "leaving" 4 clojure on the same problem as the first one of the stanford challenges
So it will be hard for me, but that is allright
@gdeer81 I think I can solve it with some
but I have to think about the predicate
I think I can use something like true?
post the question and your proposed solution in refheap https://www.refheap.com/
because this is giving the wrong answer
(some true? [true true true])
that way someone that doesn't have the context of our conversation can review it as well
it gives true where it must be false
and this one ` (some true? [false false false])
;;=> nil
` gives nil where it schould be true
the exercise is this
Problem 1
Write a function which takes a variable number of booleans. Your function should return true if some of the parameters are true, but not all of the parameters are true. Otherwise your function should return false. For example:
(= true (half-truth true false))
(= false (half-truth true true))
next time I will use refheap
I will sleep about it . it's almost 11 hour in the evening
think about what some
does and what the problem is asking
I will do that
Good night from a cold Netherlands