
Andros 2019-12-21T15:11:25.000400Z

Hello, I would like you to give me feedback on a new web framework I am developing. I've posted a cut-down version for small jobs. Thanks in advance.


I think you might want to reconsider your choice of namespace, since it gives the impression that this is part of leiningen.


It's probably necessary to write some explanation of what the library does or example usage or something

Andros 2019-12-22T08:09:42.007700Z

It was my next goal, a little tutorial. Thanks for the advice!

seancorfield 2019-12-21T23:34:03.003400Z

@eric.d.scott That's the namespace lein new expects -- that's how you write Leiningen templates.

seancorfield 2019-12-21T23:34:57.004300Z

It is part of Leiningen in a way, because it's a template that lein new (or boot -d boot/new new or clj -A:new) know how to read and create a new project from.

seancorfield 2019-12-21T23:36:08.004900Z

And here it is on Clojars with the group ID tadam-lite and the required artifact ID lein-template

seancorfield 2019-12-21T23:38:20.007Z

Boot templates all have an artifact ID of boot-template and will have* in their namespace name. CLI/`deps.edn` templates will all have an artifact ID of clj-template and will have* in their namespace name -- although clj -A:new can also use local templates on disk and projects in a git repo: they don't need to be published to

seancorfield 2019-12-21T23:38:49.007600Z

(Sorry, I know that's not "code review" stuff but it seemed important to point out why tadam has that namespace)