
valtteri 2020-02-11T15:54:39.020800Z

Hi, I wrote a little minesweeper clone in CLJS and Reagent in order to demonstrate the “Clojure mindset” and CLJS tooling to my colleagues. By Clojure mindset I mean simplicity, readability, easiness to reason about etc. The code is not optimised for speed, but for the aforementioned aspects. I would like to get some feedback and improvement ideas. Especially if there’s something that doesn’t seem idiomatic. I’m also weighting whether I want to write specs for the app or not. repo live app The most interesting files are probably these ones: Thank you in advance!

valtteri 2020-02-11T15:56:38.021500Z

Also please let me know if you find bugs in the game itself 😉