Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
> (defn lang-tag [s tag]
(with-meta (reify java.lang.Object (toString [this] s)) {:lang tag}))
> (def gaol (lang-tag "gaol" :en-uk))
> (str gaol)
> (meta gaol)
{:lang :en-uk}
> (def jail (lang-tag "jail" :en-us))
> ;; etc
@eric.d.scott one alternative
(defn lang-tag
[s tag]
^{:long tag} (reify Object (toString [this] s)))
Object (and most of java.lang) is already in scope, so doesn't need the full package
typically I only use with-meta inside macros in order to emit a meta transform, the reader macro is much simpler otherwise
But the general idea of sticking metadata to a string by reifying Object with (toString...) is generally considered legit?
yes, that's pretty much how it would need to be done
if you need other operations, you would need to reify CharSequence or something instead...
but it's probably better to own a string as a field than to try to be one