
Chase 2020-06-17T15:49:05.012300Z

Would anyone mind taking a quick look at my small temperature converter program? The actual "business logic" is only a couple of lines but I'm more curious on how you would approach taking in the user input and validating it. That takes so much more code. It's still half the LOC of my Rust implementation of the same exercise.


I see multiple places where you can move forms to eliminate duplicate code


never use a namespace by full name - always require and provide an alias

Chase 2020-06-17T15:51:50.014Z

even if only using once huh? Ok, ok, I can dig it.


some clojure environments preload clojure.string, but that's not a guarantee that clojure makes, and your code can easily break if you don't require it

Chase 2020-06-17T15:52:05.014400Z



dedupe example: change

(if (= x "y")
  (println "foo" (frob x) "y")
  (println "foo" (grub x) "z"))
(println "foo"
         (if (= x "y") (frob x) (grub x))


also at the end you can replace (if cond? (do (f) (recur)) (recur)) with (when cond? (f)) (recur) since let already has a do block

Chase 2020-06-17T15:56:22.017900Z

Ahh! You mean when is like having a do block?


it is, but what I mean, is that both branches of if called recur, so you can take the recur out of the if


and let already has a do block, so you can just put the recur after the if


and an if with only one branch can be replaced with when


(I hope that shows all my work...)

Chase 2020-06-17T15:57:38.019600Z

Ok, I get it. Thanks so much!


some more suggestions: in clojure 1.0 is a double, not float, and there are few reasons for using Float/parseFloat instead of Double/parseDouble


all clojure math functions already promote float to double as well


(drop-last temp) - using collection operations on strings works in simple examples like this, but it's a code smell and extremely inefficient


also why are you even dropping anything from what you read?

Chase 2020-06-17T16:01:37.023200Z

Well the user input comes in like "100C" so I want to split that into it's two relevant parts


oh! you are extracting a digit

Chase 2020-06-17T16:02:43.023700Z

How would you approach parsing that string?


(ins)user=> (re-matches #"(\d+)(.)" "100C")
["100C" "100" "C"]


with a little fiddling that also helps you handle optional whitespace in a human friendly way



Chase 2020-06-17T16:03:43.025100Z

ahhh, ok. I remember doing something like that on an exercism problem I did back in the day. Regex's are still difficult for me.


fixed - yea res are weird

(ins)user=> (re-matches #"([\d\.]+)(.)" "100.3C")
["100.3C" "100.3" "C"]

Chase 2020-06-17T16:06:23.026700Z

so then in my let block I could use destructuring to bind to degrees and scale like [[_ degrees scale] (re-matches ...)] and continue on with my try/catch checks?


right - that sounds correct to me

Chase 2020-06-17T16:06:51.027500Z

but what if the re-matches fails because they didn't input it right... hmmm


also (or (= x y) (= x z)) can be replaced by (#{y z} x) if both y and z are non nil and non-false


@chase-lambert in that case, re-matches returns nil, the destructure offers nil, and the behavior is the same as your current code

Chase 2020-06-17T16:07:53.029300Z

oh perfect, which they should be since they are at the end of the and statement that already checks if they are nil and false


oh I meant (and degrees scale (or (= scale "C") (= scale "F"))) can be (and degrees (#{"C" "F"} scale))


but maybe that's what you meant too :D

Chase 2020-06-17T16:09:47.030500Z

yup except I still was double checking that scale was there. haha. this is great


right - the check that scale is either "C" or "F" already checks that it wasn't nil or false, implicitly


I should do my refactor suggestions in smaller steps


@chase-lambert often a clojure refactor feels like solving a sudoku or something


you should notice your code becoming smaller and easier to understand at each step

Chase 2020-06-17T16:11:17.032300Z

I just watched a great sudoku solving video, you might have seen the same.


oh the one with the knights moves?

Chase 2020-06-17T16:11:36.033100Z



yeah, that sort of puzzle solving and simplifying clojure code scratch the same spot in my brain

Chase 2020-06-17T16:12:41.034800Z

I like all the changes but the regex still concerns me. I can see what it does but could I recreate it myself. Could you parse your regex into an English sentence for me? "Ok, so once you hit a digit, divide this into blah blah blah"?

Chase 2020-06-17T16:13:24.035300Z

I definitely felt icky doing it my way with the drop-last and such though. I just sensed that it wasn't efficient.


find 1 or more of "digit or .", followed by a single token


[] - group, matches any item in the group \d - any digit \. - matches ".", since . is special + - one or more of preceding . - any token () - another kind of group - return string matched by this group separately


I think that covers it

Chase 2020-06-17T16:21:00.038100Z

Ahh ok, I'm actually writing these in a notebook by hand right now. Haha. Old school


one more refactor: since (System/exit 0) already causes the rest of the function body to be skipped, you can remove the let from the if, and reducing nesting makes things more readable

Chase 2020-06-17T16:21:42.038600Z

How so?


(if cond?
;; vs
(when cond? (exit))
those both dothe same thing

Chase 2020-06-17T16:27:01.042Z

ok, ok. so then my code would be

(let [temp (read-line)] 
  (when blah blah) 
  (let [[_ degrees scale blah blah 
So just taking out one level of nesting




the same thing I suggested with pulling the two recur calls out of the if, I think

Chase 2020-06-17T16:34:04.045Z

Good stuff. Ironically it all ends up at the same LOC but much cleaner. Did I misinterpret anything?


I think the "F" and "C" in the conert-temp defn should be moved out and just be scale as an arg to str

Chase 2020-06-17T16:35:52.046200Z

But it's gotta be the opposite scale

Chase 2020-06-17T16:36:02.046600Z

I'm printing "32F = 0.00C"


oh! I missed that


I'd use ({"C" "F" "F" "C"} scale) and call that inside str, instead of hard-coding


and using an extra arg to format like that is odd, I'm surprised it works


otherwise yes, that looks right - simplified significantly even if the line count hasn't changed


my repl shows that the format call doesn't break but the C or F is silently ignored


of course instead of the lookup above, the F or C could be inside the format string

Chase 2020-06-17T16:43:18.050700Z

I'm just not sure on how I want to format the expression now. Whenever I throw an if statement or whatever into the middle of a string formation I start to struggle to see what is happening. But this seems funky too:

(defn convert-temp [degrees scale]                                                
  (str degrees                                                                    
       " = "                                                                      
       (if (= scale "C")                                                          
         (format "%.2f" (+ 32.0 (* degrees 1.8)))                                 
         (format "%.2f" (/ (- degrees 32.0) 1.8)))                                
       ({"C" "F" "F" "C"} scale))) 

Chase 2020-06-17T16:44:20.051100Z

Maybe a little less vertical:

(defn convert-temp [degrees scale]                                                
  (str degrees scale " = "                                                        
       (if (= scale "C")                                                          
         (format "%.2f" (+ 32.0 (* degrees 1.8)))                                 
         (format "%.2f" (/ (- degrees 32.0) 1.8)))                                
       ({"C" "F" "F" "C"} scale)))

Chase 2020-06-17T16:44:48.051600Z

I think my original might still be cleaner because it's such a simple either/or conversion


yeah - that's definitely funky


a let block would help I think

Chase 2020-06-17T16:46:17.053300Z

ahh, yeah that could be nice. let me try that


(let [degrees (if (= scale "C") ...)
      degree-string (format ...)
      degree-indicator ({"C" "F" "F" "C"} scale)]
   (str degrees scale " = " degree-string degree-indicator))


something like that


also, if you held onto the original read-in line, you could use it in your output


instead of piecing it back together manually

Chase 2020-06-17T16:48:43.055800Z

ooh, true. Waste not

Chase 2020-06-17T16:52:33.056200Z

Alrighty, we added 2 lines but I think we can say mission accomplished.


oh - btw. functions act as recur targets, so you can literally just remove the (loop [] ...) and replace it with the ... that was in it, without changing the behavior


almost forgot to mention that one

Chase 2020-06-17T16:54:12.057500Z

but won't I re-print my beginning messages that way?


oh right, never mind then

Chase 2020-06-17T16:54:41.058100Z

Yup. I thought of that one originally. Thanks for all your help!

Chase 2020-06-17T16:55:34.058700Z

I'm hooked on this code reviewing so you might have awakened a dragon here. Haha. I'm just solo learning so this slack is where it's at.