
Jeremy Cronk 2020-08-14T01:48:17.211400Z

I’d love to see any feedback on making this more Clojure-ish: I want to read data from a file that may or may not have a weird, useless compression algorithm applied to it. The compression algorithm is just to compress repeating characters, and it works like this: 0xFA signals that the next three bytes are special - the first two get converted to a string, and this is (in hex) the number of times to repeat the character, and then the third byte is the character to be repeated. So if I’m reading a record that’s supposed to have 176 bytes, I want it to read it in, then expand any compressed sequences, up to 176 bytes and return a collection. Here’s what I came up with:

(declare read-bytes)
(defn inflate-compressed
  [is nbr bvec]
  (let [code (repeatedly 3 #(.read is))
        len (Integer/parseInt (->> code
                                   (map char)
                                   st/join) 16)
        chr (last code)
        exp (vec (concat
                   (repeat len chr)))
        remain (- nbr len)]
    (fn [] (read-bytes is (if (neg? remain) 0 remain) exp))))

(defn compressed?
  (= 250 b))

(defn read-bytes
  ([is nbr bvec]
   (if (zero? nbr) bvec
     (let [b (.read is)]
         (= -1 b) (when-not (empty? bvec) bvec)
         (compressed? b) (fn [] (inflate-compressed is nbr bvec))
           (fn [] (read-bytes is (dec nbr) (conj bvec b)))))))
  ([is nbr]
   (trampoline read-bytes is nbr [])))
I’m using io/input-stream because even though most of the data is text, the 0xFA character (250) screws thing up if I use io/reader - I don’t know enough about Java to know why, but it changes the character to 65533 (`0xFFDD`) when I try to read it. I feel like there are more conditionals than I’d like, but I’m not sure where to start getting rid of them, or if I’ve overthought this whole thing and there’s a simpler way to do it.

jaihindhreddy 2020-08-14T21:48:47.230700Z

In inflate-compressed, I'd destructure the 2 chars as opposed to using butlast and last. And instead of vec over the concat, you can use into. And (if (neg? remain) 0 remain) becomes (max remain 0) which can be done in the let itself. And in read-bytes, I'd write the arities in increasing order of number of args, and replace the cond with case. is can be typehinted to avoid reflection. And finally, in both inflate-compressed and read-bytes, you could use reader syntax for the returned anonymous fns. Applying all of the above, we get this:

(declare read-bytes)

(defn inflate-compressed [^ is nbr bvec]
  (let [[n1 n2 chr] (repeatedly 3 #(.read is))
        len         (Integer/parseInt (str (char n1) (char n2)) 16)
        exp         (into bvec (repeat len chr))
        remain      (max 0 (- nbr len))]
    #(read-bytes is remain exp)))

(defn read-bytes
  ([is nbr] (trampoline read-bytes is nbr []))
  ([^ is nbr bvec]
   (if (zero? nbr) bvec
     (let [b (.read is)]
       (case b
         -1  (not-empty bvec)
         250 #(inflate-compressed is nbr bvec)
         #(read-bytes is (dec nbr) (conj bvec b)))))))
This is of course, a surface level refactoring of your code. read-bytes still does too much IMO. It's dealing with the InputStream, making a vector, making sure we only get nbr number of bytes, and doing the decompression. Of all of these things, we can separate and implement just the decompression algorithm as a
(defn decompress [xf]
  (let [filled (volatile! -1)
        buf    (volatile! 0)]
      ([] (xf))
      ([result] (xf result))
      ([result b]
        (let [n @filled]
          (case (int n)
            -1 (if (= b 250)
                 (do (vreset! filled 0)
                 (xf result b))
             0 (do (vreset! filled 1)
                   (vreset! buf (* 16 (Character/digit (char b) 16)))
             1 (do (vreset! filled 2)
                   (vreset! buf (+ @buf (Character/digit (char b) 16)))
             2 (do (vreset! filled -1)
                   (reduce xf result (repeat @buf b)))))))))
Of course, this doesn't look very readable, and that's probably because of my incompetence, but this doesn't do all of that other stuff, which inherently makes it more understandable. This way, we can make take do the job of ensuring we stop when we've consumed nbr bytes. And my take on doing that, is this:
(defn reducible ^clojure.lang.IReduceInit [^ is]
    (reduce [_ f init]
      (loop [state init]
        (let [b (.read is)]
          (if (= b -1)
            (let [result (f state b)]
              (if (reduced? result)
                (recur result)))))))))

(defn read-bytes [^ is nb]
  (let [xf (comp decompress (take nb))]
    (into [] xf (reducible is))))
The reducible fn here only deals with the InputStream and returns a thing we can reduce over. And we do that using into, and as that reduction happens, we transform the bytes using the composition of decompress and (take nb) transducers.

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Jeremy Cronk 2020-08-15T21:38:10.233700Z

I’m blown away by the transducer. I don’t think that ever would have occurred to me. In fact, the density of new concepts here is amazing and I’m going to have to save this to refer back to. Thanks so much for the feedback!

seancorfield 2020-08-14T03:47:57.211900Z

(when-not (empty? bvec) bvec) => (not-empty bvec)

seancorfield 2020-08-14T03:49:28.213300Z

I found the if in read-bytes hard to read because bvec is on the same line as the condition -- don't do that: it looks like a single-arm if and my first thought was "Use when!" then I was puzzled about it returning nil... until I saw that bvec in there!

seancorfield 2020-08-14T03:51:38.214100Z

The use of trampoline here feels weird. I would try to rewrite it without that, and just use a loop instead maybe?

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Jeremy Cronk 2020-08-14T13:13:41.220900Z

Thank you! not-empty was exactly what I was looking for there. I see your point about the formatting on the if - that part began life as part of cond until I realized that I needed to check for zero and get out before I read a byte that I might potentially just lose. This whole thing actually started as a loop, and then when I added support for the “compression”, it looked like that needed its own function, and then it looked like two functions that call each other, so that’s why I went with the trampoline. But since there’s no way to exit inflate-compressed without returning a function, it’s true that it doesn’t seem to quite fit. Seems to me that a trampoline properly goes between two functions that can each either return either a function or a value. Now that I’ve got it in a form that’s working, I’ll see about how I might get that back into a loop.

ndonolli 2020-08-14T20:35:44.221Z

Curious if about thoughts regarding improving something like this, or other alternatives to implementing a stateful iterator in clojure. I know that philosophically it could be considered at odds with the language, but if you had to do it, what’s the best way?

seancorfield 2020-08-14T20:38:48.221900Z

@ndonolli As it stands, that isn't thread-safe. Also (iter!) is not valid (I think you mean (iter! 1)?)

ndonolli 2020-08-14T20:40:51.223Z

@seancorfield Thanks, would you mind elaborating on why it isn’t thread safe? I was playing with this code in a clojurescript context so I might not see that behavior

seancorfield 2020-08-14T20:41:56.224100Z

(def iter! (stateful-seq (range)))
(future (iter! 1)) (future (iter! 1)) ; could both return (take 1 @cursor) before either swap! occurs

seancorfield 2020-08-14T20:42:21.224600Z

That could give you 0 0 or 0 1 or even 1 0

ndonolli 2020-08-14T20:42:34.224800Z

ah gotcha

seancorfield 2020-08-14T20:43:22.225600Z

Since you want it to be atomic/thread-safe, I'd probably use split-at and use a pair in the atom.

seancorfield 2020-08-14T20:45:10.227Z

(defn stateful-seq [s]
  (let [s (atom [nil s])]
    (fn [n]
      (first (swap! s #(split-at (if (and (number? n) (pos? n)) n 1) (second %)))))))

👍 1
seancorfield 2020-08-14T20:45:13.227200Z

Seems to work.

ndonolli 2020-08-14T20:46:18.227900Z

thanks, that makes sense. Thank you @seancorfield!

phronmophobic 2020-08-14T21:04:19.228400Z

you can also use the lesser known swap-vals! :

(defn stateful-seq [s]
  (let [cursor (atom s)]
       (iter! 1))
       (let [[old _] (swap-vals! cursor #(drop n %))]
         (take n old))))))

phronmophobic 2020-08-14T21:06:44.229400Z

and on principle, I think it's better to crash on an invalid input than to silently coerce the invalid input into some valid one

jaihindhreddy 2020-08-14T21:32:33.230100Z

Is this a good way to make a reducible thing from a <|>.InputStream?

(defn reducible ^clojure.lang.IReduceInit [^ is]
    (reduce [_ f init]
      (loop [state init]
        (let [b (.read is)]
          (if (= b -1)
            (let [result (f state b)]
              (if (reduced? result)
                (recur result)))))))))

phronmophobic 2020-08-14T21:39:15.230200Z

when you have something like an InputStream that might be holding onto system resources, you want to make it easy to manage resources. I'm not sure what making an input stream reducible buys you. check out in that example, the reducible wraps the resource and makes sure that the resources get released.

jaihindhreddy 2020-08-14T21:39:37.230500Z


seancorfield 2020-08-14T22:20:02.231700Z

@smith.adriane Ah, yes, I think I like that better (and I agree about just letting it crash on a bad n value).

phronmophobic 2020-08-14T22:20:55.232400Z

adding an assert or :pre condition wouldn't hurt

seancorfield 2020-08-14T22:21:08.232700Z

Also, both take and drop have reasonable behavior for negative n.

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phronmophobic 2020-08-14T22:21:34.232900Z

and zero!

seancorfield 2020-08-14T22:22:09.233100Z

user=&gt; (def iter! (stateful-seq (range)))
user=&gt; (iter! -2)
user=&gt; (iter! -2)
user=&gt; (iter! 1)
user=&gt; (iter! 10)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
user=&gt; (iter!)

seancorfield 2020-08-14T22:22:57.233300Z

(even for an infinite range it still works nicely)