
roelof 2020-12-17T19:19:18.104700Z

What do you expers think of my solutions:


> Use a promise to hand the result back out of the thread. Use this > ; technique to write your own version of the future macro. you made a function for this, not a macro, if that matters


and as mentioned elsewhere, your atomSum doesn't use future correctly - it doesn't start one thread until the other completes


also, since this is #code-reviews, I would recommend not using atom as the name for an atom

roelof 2020-12-17T19:27:07.107500Z

oke, so I can change def future to defmacro future ?


also, we don't use camelCase for clojure names, we use kebab-case


well, defmacro works differently than defn, I don't know if you actually need to use a macro for this assignment

roelof 2020-12-17T19:27:44.109Z

and how I can I make atomSum work the right way ? I found this chapter very confusing


deref blocks the code until the future exits


if you have (let [a (deref (future ...)) b (deref (future ...))] ...) b doesn't start until a exits

roelof 2020-12-17T19:29:48.111200Z

I had that but if I remember you told me to do this way because the a and b where not used error message


if you have (let [a (future ...) b (future ...)] ...) they both run at the same time


that's not an error message, that's your linter


you still need to deref a and b, but after b is created


(let [a (future ...) b (future ...)] (deref a) (deref b) ...)


the deref here is just telling the code to wait for that block to exit (so the atom has the right total in it)

roelof 2020-12-17T19:32:31.113600Z



also, if you aren't using deref as a first class function, or using its optional timeout option, just use @ which expands to deref

roelof 2020-12-17T19:32:44.114300Z

So this is good clojure code :

(defn atomSum []
  (let [atom  (atom 0)
        part1 (deref (future (swap! atom +  (apply + (range 0 (/ 1e7 2))))))
        part2 (deref (future (swap! atom +  (apply + (range 0 (/ 1e7 2))))))]
    (deref atom)))


the deref is blocking part2 so it doesn't start until part1 exits

roelof 2020-12-17T19:33:51.116100Z

so I can ignore th linter message that part1 and part2 are not used




you need to deref after part2 is created, or the atom will have the wrong sum


(defn atom-sum []
  (let [a (atom 0)
        part1 (future (swap! atom + (apply + (range 0 (/ 1e7 2)))))
        part2 (future (swap! atom + (apply + (range 0 (/ 1e7 2)))))]

roelof 2020-12-17T19:35:07.117500Z

sorry, I miss you now


deref means "block this thread until that other thread provides a value"

roelof 2020-12-17T19:35:57.118400Z

this is not good :

(defn atomSum []
  (let [atom  (atom 0)
        part1 (future (swap! atom +  (apply + (range 0 (/ 1e7 2)))))
        part2 (future (swap! atom +  (apply + (range 0 (/ 1e7 2)))))]
    (deref part1)
    (deref part2)
    (deref atom)))


what's wrong with it?


(other than the naming stuff mentioned elsewhere)

roelof 2020-12-17T19:36:48.119500Z

oke, then I miss that part


also (range 0 x) is the same as (range x)

roelof 2020-12-17T19:37:28.120200Z

because you said this : and as mentioned elsewhere, your atomSum doesn't use future correctly - it doesn't start one thread until the other completes


right, you pasted a version that used deref inside the let block

roelof 2020-12-17T19:38:25.120900Z


roelof 2020-12-17T19:39:35.121400Z

I thought that was on my code on gitlab


oh, that looked like a paste, I didn't notice it was a preview from some plugin

roelof 2020-12-17T19:40:05.122200Z

I see , there I have the version that uses deref

roelof 2020-12-17T19:41:48.122500Z

a moment, I will update my gitlab repo

roelof 2020-12-17T19:43:52.122700Z

oke, updated

roelof 2020-12-17T19:44:01.123100Z

is it now good ?


oh I see you had to fix the ranges too - yeah that looks better

roelof 2020-12-17T19:50:46.123900Z


roelof 2020-12-17T19:51:07.124400Z

rought ride to learn clojure but slowly i learn it


also note that if x is a double (like your ocde) range makes longs if you ask for (range x), and makes doubles if you ask for (range x y)


(ins)user=> (range 1e2)
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99)
(ins)user=> (range 1e2 2e2)
(100.0 101.0 102.0 103.0 104.0 105.0 106.0 107.0 108.0 109.0 110.0 111.0 112.0 113.0 114.0 115.0 116.0 117.0 118.0 119.0 120.0 121.0 122.0 123.0 124.0 125.0 126.0 127.0 128.0 129.0 130.0 131.0 132.0 133.0 134.0 135.0 136.0 137.0 138.0 139.0 140.0 141.0 142.0 143.0 144.0 145.0 146.0 147.0 148.0 149.0 150.0 151.0 152.0 153.0 154.0 155.0 156.0 157.0 158.0 159.0 160.0 161.0 162.0 163.0 164.0 165.0 166.0 167.0 168.0 169.0 170.0 171.0 172.0 173.0 174.0 175.0 176.0 177.0 178.0 179.0 180.0 181.0 182.0 183.0 184.0 185.0 186.0 187.0 188.0 189.0 190.0 191.0 192.0 193.0 194.0 195.0 196.0 197.0 198.0 199.0)


and I think your code is the kind of code where long vs. double will change the result


doubles are also slower to do math on than longs are

roelof 2020-12-17T19:54:15.127Z

oke, the 0 and the 1e7 were given by the challenges


it looks like in this case it will give the same answer, but if you use the long function eg. (long 1e7) you can ensure it uses integral math


it cuts the execution time in ~half

(cmd)user=> (time (long (apply + (range 0.0 1e7))))
"Elapsed time: 247.583409 msecs"
(ins)user=> (time (long (apply + (range 0 (long 1e7)))))
"Elapsed time: 120.047445 msecs"

roelof 2020-12-17T19:58:38.129Z

oke, so for math things I can better use longs ?


it varies, sometimes you need floating point


but in general longs are better (more accurate, faster)

roelof 2020-12-17T19:59:26.130100Z

oke, thanks for the feedback

roelof 2020-12-17T19:59:37.130400Z

im very slowly learning clojure

roelof 2020-12-17T20:00:15.130800Z

tomorrow I hope I can solve the last one of this page :

roelof 2020-12-17T20:00:29.131200Z

then I finishced this one after 3 - 4 days

roelof 2020-12-17T20:01:11.131400Z

now time to sleep