fellshard 2016-09-20T00:49:26.000376Z

If thoughts need to persist, use a hosted document. Can we pin the hackpad, or will Slack archive that?

akiva 2016-09-20T00:54:23.000377Z

Although I get your meaning, I don’t completely agree: sometimes it’s the conversation itself that leads to solved problems.

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:21:45.000378Z

@fellshard The hackpad is linked from the channel topic already

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:22:39.000380Z

I just added it to the channel purpose as well

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:22:48.000381Z

and now I’ll pin it as a message

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:22:49.000382Z

fellshard 2016-09-20T02:22:49.000383Z

Ahh, visited that earlier. Channel purpose isn't the first place I check, sorry.

fellshard 2016-09-20T02:23:23.000386Z

Can direct folks to that instead of rehashing arguments, at least. Saves you some breath.

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:23:26.000387Z

Channel topic should be automatically visible to everyone?

fellshard 2016-09-20T02:23:40.000389Z

It is, it's just... tucked up there at the top in small font

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:23:49.000390Z


😌 1
seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:24:17.000391Z

I could add "READ THIS" in ALL CAPS next to it 😈

fellshard 2016-09-20T02:24:33.000392Z

Doesn't help that clicking the link also puts the topic in 'edit' mode

fellshard 2016-09-20T02:24:45.000393Z

Oh, I guess it doesn't

fellshard 2016-09-20T02:24:55.000394Z

nvm, I'm just blathering

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:24:59.000395Z

It threatens to, when you mouse over it.

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:25:24.000396Z

(if you click on the :pencil: icon it will edit it)

seancorfield 2016-09-20T02:25:57.000397Z

OK, I need to go feed cats and have a few sane hours away from the computer...

😸 1
akiva 2016-09-20T03:04:46.000398Z

Yeah, it’s really almost impossible to notice. And the Channel Purpose isn’t visible unless you delve for it.

seancorfield 2016-09-20T03:36:39.000399Z

(Or you keep the sidebar open all the time - like I do so I can see who's online and the pinned items etc)

akiva 2016-09-20T03:52:17.000400Z


gjnoonan 2016-09-20T08:18:47.000401Z

@akiva I am more than happy to host whatever solution we come up with

fellshard 2016-09-20T08:21:55.000402Z

I usually keep the 'mentions and returns' tab open, being a narcissistic bastard.

plexus 2016-09-20T11:12:27.000403Z

@gjnoonan sent you an invite for the logs, sorry for the delay

plexus 2016-09-20T11:13:43.000404Z

as for self-hosting something (mattermost, our own matrix server, etc). I'm all for it, I believe much more in the longevity of a community effort then in the goodwill of some for-profit entity, but you need some structure around it

plexus 2016-09-20T11:14:12.000405Z

Ruby, Python, and other communities, they have several non-profit foundations for handling that kind of stuff

plexus 2016-09-20T11:14:43.000406Z

You'd do a fund drive once a year to cover your costs, and you actually pay people to do the ops work and be on-call

sveri 2016-09-20T11:28:42.000407Z

I think they all have a larger community, most probably, so it might be easier for them to raise money

sveri 2016-09-20T11:30:00.000408Z

OTOH, hardware is cheap

👍 1
plexus 2016-09-20T11:32:40.000409Z

yeah seriously, the amount is not the problem. You make an estimate at the beginning of the year for running a server + x hours of maintenance, we're talking a few thousand USD per year tops. There are more than enough companies+individuals invested in Clojure to get that together

👍 1
plexus 2016-09-20T11:33:35.000410Z

but it is still a big effort that is certainly initially, and always to some extent, carried out by volunteers. That resource is much more scarce.

👍 1
gjnoonan 2016-09-20T11:48:55.000411Z

I’m happy to cover it all to start, and do the server set-up/maintenance. But you’re right in regards to community fundraising

gjnoonan 2016-09-20T11:49:55.000412Z

I know @tcrawley was looking at setting something up for clojars, and the like. I will have a catchup with him as I have been away for a few months.

gjnoonan 2016-09-20T11:50:30.000413Z

Also I will talk to @alexmiller but of course we need a plan first

plexus 2016-09-20T12:09:57.000414Z

Sounds good, keep me in the loop. I'm already running + the logs for this slack, both of which would ideally find a home in such a foundation eventually

martinklepsch 2016-09-20T13:09:02.000415Z

So regarding losing control/trusting a for-profit I just asked this:!$

dominicm 2016-09-20T13:10:08.000416Z

That URL is cool

martinklepsch 2016-09-20T13:10:09.000417Z

I think the gist is, rooms are distributed and when our room on gets deleted in some way it can easily live on on other servers (it should have aliases on multiple servers for that)

gjnoonan 2016-09-20T13:11:18.000419Z


dominicm 2016-09-20T13:11:37.000420Z

That's really cool. Everything about Matrix is so well designed.

onetom 2016-09-20T16:55:40.000421Z

@keatondunsford what sucked about mattermost? or why did u say: ?

onetom 2016-09-20T16:56:43.000423Z

im just asking because we are contemplating switching from our internal slack to something leaner which is still feature-rich enough

onetom 2016-09-20T16:57:35.000424Z

we wouldn't mind paying for slack, but as we are a startup, we always double-question our recurring expenses

onetom 2016-09-20T16:58:51.000425Z

im not super satisfied with slack because even its latest version eats half a gig ram and it was even memory leaking before that

keatondunsford 2016-09-20T16:59:14.000426Z

Mattermost is totally fine for your use case, but I was just thinking that it wasn’t that much better than Slack to warrant having to coordinate the self-hosting thing.

👍 1
onetom 2016-09-20T16:59:17.000427Z

since we use it for talking about code too, it would be good to have proper syntax highlighting, though that's not critical

onetom 2016-09-20T16:59:26.000428Z

but my main worry is losing history...

onetom 2016-09-20T17:01:07.000429Z

@keatondunsford well our main problem with slack for using it to host the clojurians is 1. user count limit 2. price if i understand well. mattermost would solve that problem and it doesn't cost us any features, just some money (which i would also be very happy to contribute too)

onetom 2016-09-20T17:01:33.000430Z

@martinklepsch im looking into matrix now too (i just saw u started typing ;)

martinklepsch 2016-09-20T17:01:48.000431Z

@onetom I kept myself back 😛

keatondunsford 2016-09-20T17:02:53.000432Z

For some of the people I was talking to, that just sounded like a huge risk to deal with considering the importance of this community.

keatondunsford 2016-09-20T17:02:56.000433Z

Yeah, if you look up in the earlier discussion, I think doing something like that is doable with a multisig Bitcoin wallet, but we’d have to get enough people on board to manage that who we could trust.

keatondunsford 2016-09-20T17:03:17.000434Z

Slack sucks for this Clojurians use case so we’ve got to figure something out.

onetom 2016-09-20T17:06:02.000435Z

I just got so much value out of Clojurians I feel like I must care about its maintenance... even if it means I have to read and think about chat clients at 1am... 🙂

keatondunsford 2016-09-20T17:06:18.000436Z

Lol exactly. Same

onetom 2016-09-20T17:09:03.000437Z

btw, i don't know how people would feel about downtime, but i personally wouldnt care if clojurians were down for 10 minutes every day and for an hour or two every month, so i think such expectations are not too high for maintaining a server ourselves

onetom 2016-09-20T17:09:33.000438Z

(im talking about unexpected downtimes)

onetom 2016-09-20T17:10:17.000439Z

but do i understand well that the major issue with self-hosting is the matter of trust somehow?

kauko 2016-09-20T17:21:54.000440Z

that'd be my concern at least. If it's just some "random" person hosting it, it's not a very good situation

shaun-mahood 2016-09-20T17:25:59.000442Z

One current example - - was useful, has active links in project docs, not working right now.

seancorfield 2016-09-20T17:33:24.000443Z

And — very useful but was offline for a while and the community missed it.

seancorfield 2016-09-20T17:34:46.000444Z

When you have 7,000+ users in all TZs around the world, you need to be careful to not underestimate how frustrating any downtime becomes. Even if you think you’re scheduling maintenance when "no one" is using the system, the global community means some people are.

onetom 2016-09-20T17:35:00.000445Z

I was even paying for for like half a year

seancorfield 2016-09-20T17:35:32.000446Z

I paid for but it seems not enough people did and that became free and then sort of got abandoned.

gjnoonan 2016-09-20T19:30:37.000447Z

With the infrastructure I would put in place there wouldn’t be any downtime, that’s my job LOL

gjnoonan 2016-09-20T19:30:47.000448Z

we would obviously get it all mapped out properly