It’s more “I’ve got this good enough egg provider here, why am I going to bother raising that chicken?”
Which is unfortunate, as just archiving would be a great improvement, but I don’t really see a migration happening here unless there’s a actual slackpocalypse and they kick the community out.
And I think re archiving the attitude is “I can always ask if nothing pops up on search”.
ricardo: I agree. I'm somewhat surprised we've not been booted yet. Perhaps Clojurians has a significantly lower message rate than reactiflux so we've kept under the radar that way.
I also suspect that keeping the larger communities has an almost insignificant cost. Chances are they were just being kicked because if they weren’t going to become a paying community, why bother having them around? But now that Riot/Matrix are in a state where they are a workable alternative, there’s the extra incentive of not having people’s eye wander.
I can’t say I like the look of threads. Maybe I’m just not used to them.
But hey, no archive, so they won’t bother me for long! 🙂
FWIW, our weekly message count is often around 18,000 — nearly twice the free threshold (and as far as I know, they keep all messages, they only let you search the most recently 10,000). I suspect it’s more that Slack’s capacity has continued to grow and so they don’t need to kick anyone off at the moment.
ricardo: You get used to them if you use them a lot (I try to encourage more people to use them in order to keep individual conversations from clogging up the channels).