hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:14:11.026600Z

I am having trouble knowing what is allowed to be talked about. I have talked about certain tech topics and still been accused of being a troll.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:14:57.027500Z

I try to just talk about tech topics for the most part. And stay away from any channels about politics, news, opionions etc… I’ve been accused of trolling just because I suggest a certain tech library over another one.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:16:52.028300Z

my issue is… Slack has turned into a community where moderators ban people just for disliking what a person says, opinion about a tech subject, nothing to do with harassing


trolling is a style of discourse, and has little to do with the content

seancorfield 2019-03-25T17:18:05.030Z

Be careful to distinguish between specifics -- specific communities that seem to have that behavior -- and generalities: Slack is not inherently the problem and different communities have different standards of acceptable behavior.

seancorfield 2019-03-25T17:18:33.030900Z

If you find a specific instance here that needs discussion, that's fine.


if you show up in a channel devoted to technology Y and spend all your time recommending people use technology W instead, that can seem like a rational thing to do, because you have used Y and prefer W, but to everyone else in the channel interested in Y it is abuse of the channel

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:30:51.032700Z

@hiredman so I cannot recommend a certain library versus another?


that is what I mean, it depends on the context

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:31:34.033600Z

I agree with that. But I do have general preferences.


so do we all


but for example, if you go in to #boot and talk about #leiningen all the time, that is trolling / abuse of the channel

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:32:33.035Z

ok, but a lot of times, people just give recommendations on that

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:33:44.036300Z

ya, well there could be a lot of situations/context where it is wise to use 1 over the other

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:33:58.036900Z

very difficult to quantify that (all the time versus sometimes)

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:35:52.039600Z

many times, through 1 day, people post unrelated topics, in a channel… I don’t agree that is trolling

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:36:55.040800Z

I’d have to look up the definition of trolling…

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:38:09.042300Z

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:38:14.042700Z

speaking to your interactions that I've seen here, there are two things I would note: 1) the first message I saw from you in #beginners said something about "bashing on Rails". in general, we don't want people to "bash" on any group of people indiscriminately. it's easy to complain loudly about a person or person's work when they happen to be in earshot, and all that does is make people feel bad. Making technical arguments about why one thing is better t han another however, is perfectly reasonable. 2) in both the #beginners thread (which spiraled into other topics) and the #announcements thread, you seemed to be talking about topics that are outside what people expect in those channels. In both cases, people politely asked you to move to other channels better for the conversation (note, they didn't ask you to stop talking about those things, they asked you to change to a better place for the discussion). Yet, in both cases, you continued. I believe some people would consider that inconsiderate.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:38:44.043100Z

I meant bashing on ideas… not people

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:39:17.043700Z

I moved the discussion to a thread, and deleted the post

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:40:06.044500Z

You asked, so I'm trying to explain how people are perceiving your behavior

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:40:12.044700Z

bashing on the rails community about some of the ideas going on

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:40:23.045Z

when you say "community", I hear "people"

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:40:43.045400Z

well, this is the problem, there’s lots of different ways to perceive words

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:40:55.045900Z

so there needs to be very clear rules and definitions

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:41:16.046500Z

for example… I don’t even know what trolling means 100%

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:41:38.047400Z

many people just use the word to define something they disagree with

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:42:00.048300Z

in addition, not everyone has English as their first language

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:42:05.048500Z

I don't think that's necessarily true. Clearly in this case, multiple people are perceiving your words in a certain way. So I think maybe it's worth thinking about why that is.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:42:28.049200Z

but that is rule by consensus, and means 10 people have the rule

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:42:57.050200Z

afaict, no one has banned you from participating here, or said mean things to you. multiple people have suggested that you discuss things in a different way or change venue of conversation.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:43:14.050700Z

I am sure I could say “good” and find 10 people to perceive it as “bad”

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:44:00.052300Z

I was accused of trolling which leads to being banned

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:44:19.053200Z

so I want to hash this out before I am accused of trolling… which has no clear definition


again, context is what is important, the "definition" doesn't matter, what matters is the interpretation of your actions within the context of the place where they happened, in this case #beginners (and this slack in general) tries to be a positive welcoming place, and bashing on some other community is not that

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:44:35.053800Z

I really do not know what trolling even means, 50% of the slack group is probably trolling for all I know

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:44:50.054Z

definitions do matter

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:44:59.054300Z

context is often taken out of context

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:45:08.054600Z

people make context errors, quite often


indeed, which is why it is useful to make the effort to give people the benefit of the doubt

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:46:03.056700Z

if multiple people are perceiving your words in a way different than you intend, then I think that's a good time to maybe step back and choose different words

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:46:05.056800Z

well, that doesn’t work

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:46:17.057500Z

once again, that’s rule by consensus


for example gently nudging them towards better behavior

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:46:26.058200Z

we are talking 3 or 4 people, at most

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:46:42.058600Z

isn't that enough?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:46:46.058700Z

this is starting to sound like a behavior modification program

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:47:04.059400Z

no, because someone will always be offended in a group of 1000's of people


that is how social spaces work, to be part of them you need to modify your behavior within them to match the norms expected

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:47:26.060500Z

the 3 or 4 people talking to you are moderators and/or heavy users of this forum

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:47:27.060600Z

rule by consensus never works, someone is always offended by something

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:48:04.061200Z

ok, as moderators, what is the precise defintion of “trolling”

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:48:20.061800Z

so far, I heard, it is posting in the wrong channel, which happens quite often

dominicm 2019-03-25T17:48:23.062Z

Trying to define human behavior with all the nuances is a difficult endeavor.

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:48:29.062200Z

it's not posting in teh wrong channel

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:48:59.062800Z

it's posting in the wrong channel, and then ignoring repeated suggestions to move that conversation elsewhere

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:49:17.063400Z

which appears like willfully ignoring the social norms of the forum

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:49:20.063600Z

ok, in my case, I moved it

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:49:47.064300Z

so if 1 person makes the request, to move the conversation, it is trolling?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:50:01.064800Z

even if it is on topic?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:50:22.066200Z

also, how does one know if someone is a moderator? it’s not clear on the UI>

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:50:44.066900Z

because I think moderators should only be allowed to make this request

seancorfield 2019-03-25T17:50:48.067200Z

I would say that your persistence over this topic, in the face of push back from everyone who has politely responded with opinions and suggestions, is moving into the area commonly described as "trolling behavior".


Is it fair to describe trolling as generally communicating without humility\accountability and a perceived intention of valuing conflict over resolution?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:51:11.067800Z

so I am trolling? right now?

seancorfield 2019-03-25T17:51:33.068500Z

You are drifting very close to what a lot of people would consider trolling behavior.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:51:43.069Z

but you just told me to talk about this in this channel

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:51:48.069300Z

now you are saying I am trolling?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:52:22.070600Z

basically, I am perceiving this as “just be quiet”

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:53:28.073100Z

I simply asked for a definition of the word “trolling”

seancorfield 2019-03-25T17:53:56.074500Z

You raised a topic, you got feedback. Trying to get this community involved in a discussion about bad behavior in other communities is not going to be received well here -- since we have a general "no bashing" etiquette here.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:54:33.076300Z

sorry, but you are avoiding my question, and that was days ago

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:54:47.076800Z

I don't get the impression that you are trying to understand why people are reacting negatively to your behavior and make any changes

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:54:50.077Z

and I clarified bashing ideas, not people

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:55:12.077600Z

you have mentioned being banned from other forums

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:55:22.077800Z

I asked for a defintion of a word

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:55:53.079100Z

right now, I get the impression, anyone can be banned just because 3 or 4 people dislike their ideaas

seancorfield 2019-03-25T17:56:04.079700Z

We keep telling you that is not the case.

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:56:08.080Z

I get the impression that you are asking solely so you can disagree with whatever answer is given and I have other things to do with my time than that

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:56:22.080400Z

I cannot agree without defintions

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:56:30.080700Z

I was just told defintions do not matter

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:56:35.080900Z

so we cannot agree

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:56:48.081400Z

we're not asking for you to agree or disagree with anything

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:56:55.081900Z

yes, the CoC

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:57:06.082200Z

we're asking you to take social cues of the forum

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:57:18.082700Z

if you wish to participate in the forum

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:57:24.082900Z

it sounds like the CoC does not govern the decision to ban people

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:57:27.083100Z

but that social cues do

alexmiller 2019-03-25T17:57:46.083400Z

what is your goal here?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T17:58:12.084100Z

my goal is establish definitions… and what governs decisions to ban people

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:00:08.085500Z

people need to be up front as professionals, if trolling is not permitted, it needs defined, and added to the CoC

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:00:29.086300Z

This is Clojurians' Code of Conduct:

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:01:24.087700Z

Here's the closest piece that is appropriate here "Harassment includes ... sustained disruption of discussions"

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:01:33.088Z

Emphasis on sustained.

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:02:07.088700Z

But none of that precludes someone being asked by a moderator to change their tone, move a discussion to another channel, or even drop a discussion topic completely.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:02:56.089300Z

I don’t see trolling on the CoC

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:03:18.089800Z

and I cannot read the minds of moderators… I don’t even know who the moderators are… it is not clear on the UI

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:04:08.090100Z

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:04:09.090400Z

They are listed in the Code of Conduct.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:04:13.090600Z

is Alex a moderator?

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:04:29.091Z

Read the Code of Conduct -- the moderators are all listed there.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:04:41.091200Z

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:04:42.091500Z


hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:04:46.091700Z

where is it again?

alexmiller 2019-03-25T18:04:58.092200Z

I am not a moderator here, although I am a moderator in other Clojure forums.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:05:23.092800Z

I found it…

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:05:33.093200Z

can we add the CoC as the link to the top of the channels?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:05:48.093900Z

and can we add trolling and a precise defintion?

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:06:11.094400Z

The CoC covers everything it needs to.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:06:39.095100Z

I don’t agree with that. people are being banned for things not covered in the CoC… that is going to hurt the Clojure community as a whole

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:07:04.095900Z

People are not being banned from this community for things not covered in the CoC.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:07:08.096200Z


hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:07:23.096700Z

I was warned about it… and it’s not in the CoC o r defined


It is impossible to define the precise limits of what a maliciously-minded person might invent in the way of trolling. That’s why forums need moderators.

👍 3
hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:08:12.098Z

so it’s just left to a moderator’s opinions, discrection

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:08:40.098700Z

if that’s the case, that’s going to really hurt the entire community


Only if you have malicious moderators, which this community does not.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:09:06.099600Z

in my opinion, this sounds like tyranny

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:09:22.100100Z

that is not objective, it’s subjective


It is the nature of communities to be subjective.

alexmiller 2019-03-25T18:09:41.101100Z

yes, that's how forums work

alexmiller 2019-03-25T18:09:44.101300Z

you are free to start your own forum that is run any way you like

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:09:48.101600Z

I have encountered malicious moderators with political motives… not here… but other groups


The remedy in the case of a forum with a malicious moderator is to find other forums and participate in those.

alexmiller 2019-03-25T18:10:17.102700Z

there are many Clojure forums on a variety of technologies. they all have different sets of moderators. afaik very few people have ever banned from any of them.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:10:59.103700Z

well, I was accused of trolling, and approaching trolling… and I do not know what it means 100%

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:11:20.104400Z

so I am going to be quiet… like I imagine a lot of people do, withdrawal and silence their contributions

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:12:01.105500Z

it’s probably why quiet often, slack groups are just 10-15 of the same cliq talking, and 1 person on occasion asks a tech question

alexmiller 2019-03-25T18:12:34.106500Z

back to the top of this conversation, I mentioned two explicit things - 1) make technical arguments rather than people arguments, 2) if someone suggest changing channels, do so

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:12:36.106700Z

on one hand, that’s a way to build one’s reputation, on the other, it’s a sure way to turn a huge % of a community against one

alexmiller 2019-03-25T18:12:47.106900Z

how about you try those and see how it goes?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:13:08.107400Z

nope, I am just going to be quiet… I need clear rules before I can agree to behavior

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:13:30.107800Z

I won’t subject myself to opinions of others, for behavior modification

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:13:31.108Z


hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:14:58.108700Z

I am going to keep using stackoverflow… I don’t lose my entire account just because 1 person disagrees with me

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:17:40.109400Z

I have a remedy… I am going to raise the issue on github, clojure…

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:18:05.110200Z

the licensing needs to require more strict controls over who can start communities using the Clojure copyright, without training and proper CoC’s

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:18:14.110600Z

I will request a rememedy


that is definitely trolling


like, on an impressive number of levels really

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:20:13.112300Z

I don’t know… there is no defintion. and there’s no issues tab on clojure github,


that is one of the levels of trolling there, clojure doesn't use github issues

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:21:07.113600Z

Anyone can start a Clojure community and they can run each community however they please. Clojurians/Clojurists as a whole try to follow the community etiquette (on and are used to conferences, mailing lists, and online communities that have a CoC in place.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:21:46.114300Z

I understand, but I think that needs to change

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:22:02.115Z

under GPL V3, there are more strict controls on this

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:22:13.115400Z

The "clojure github" project is about the core software itself. Nothing to do with how this (or any other) Clojure communities are run.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:22:28.116100Z

I know. But there isn’t a contact link on their website

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:22:38.116600Z

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:22:42.116800Z

Software licenses are nothing to do with community behavior.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:23:16.118100Z

GPL v3 does cover behavior

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:23:32.118700Z

the creator is allowed to control how communities use the software

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:23:45.119Z

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:23:58.119500Z

but I do not even see the legal contact for the clojure project

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:25:54.121900Z

this is not a personal matter. I want to see Clojure thrive. And I feel that unregulated communities where rules are not defined is going to hurt the community. That is my intention. I will write a legal letter to the lawyers.


I’ve been working in this field a long time, and have seen a lot of different communities and forums. The Clojure community, in general, and the moderators of the Clojure Slack in particular, are remarkable for their openness, fairness, patience, and inclusiveness. My experience in the Clojure community leads me to regard it as the best I’ve ever seen. A part of that is the absence of disruptive and toxic behaviors, which is not something that happens by accident. The moderators are doing an excellent job and are maintaining a forum where people can freely participate and share their questions and experiences working in and with Clojure.


Part of that involves detecting and correcting behavior that begins to tend towards the disruptive.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:27:45.123200Z

I agree. It’s much better than other communities.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:28:10.124Z

but the word “troll” still needs defined… because it’s a very popular word in my generation.


All communities involve give and take. This is not “behavior modification,” it is merely being a “good citizen,” so to speak.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:28:57.125300Z

but as it stands, it is left up to consensus, opions of a small group

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:29:18.126Z

Douglas Crockford just went through this same stuff

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:29:29.126400Z

he was banned from a conference over 1 little sentence in a speech


Those who wish to receive the benefits of participating in the community must at the very least make their own contribution of a good faith effort to abide by community guidelines.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:30:13.127400Z

well, I was threatened to be banned over trolling which is not in the guidelines

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:30:16.127700Z

that’s my point


The moderators here are a very good guide to how to do that, especially in such grey, undefinable areas as what constitutes trolling.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:30:32.128200Z

I didn’t come in here and start posting porn

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:31:08.128600Z

I agree, the moderators are super nice. much nicer than the Rails community

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:31:24.129Z

but words still need to be defined, especially when people are banned from an OSS community

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:31:33.129300Z

this cannot be treated like a private company

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:33:24.130700Z

We (the moderators) do not feel that "trolling" needs to be rigidly defined. If we feel someone is engaged in that behavior, we will discuss the specific instance of it and may ask the member to adjust their behavior.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:34:05.131800Z

well, you are risking ruining your reputation if it’s not defined up front

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:34:15.132200Z

Someone who is repeatedly asked to adjust their behavior may have their account deactivated, if they show no signs of adjusting to common courtesy of this particular Slack.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:34:32.133100Z

so this is a behavior modification program… that’s my point


Everybody is risking their reputation, then, because it’s not possible to give a strict definition of trolling. It would be like defining exactly how many trees are required before you have a “forest.”


yes, so either leave or modify your behavior

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:35:17.135Z

You are the first person to come in here in the four or five years this community has existed and threaten to write to lawyers if we don't change the CoC to define certain phrases...


The word “forest” still has a meaning, even though you can’t specify the exact number of trees it takes to make one.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:35:46.135600Z

I might be the first, but it doesn’t negate my point

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:36:07.136Z

because next, it will be something else. not trolling but some other behavior.

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:37:16.138Z

If members complain to the admin team about specific behavior by specific individuals, we will discuss that on a case-by-case basis. We cannot exhaustively exclude all "bad" future behaviors.


Calling something “behavior modification” is meaningless. Speed limits? No smoking signs? Laws against stealing and murder? Those all are intended to prevent harmful/undesirable behavior. Calling them “behavior modification,” as though that were some kind of immoral ethical breach, is just a slur.

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:38:44.141100Z

For example, the CoC doesn't specifically exclude someone sending unsolicited commercial DMs here -- because it is a rare occurrence. But members here generally consider it to be unacceptable behavior and will complain to the Admin team when it happens, with the expectation that the offending member will be asked to stop, and will be removed if they don't stop.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:38:57.141500Z

well, right now, I am having trouble trusting this subjective feedback… because I was told to enter into this channel… now I am being told I am trolling

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:39:16.142100Z

Most people understand what is common courtesy and respectful behavior.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:39:16.142200Z

recruiters send unsolicited DM’s, quite often


you are definitely trolling, and it is amazing to watch

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:40:07.143500Z

how am I trolling? by stating that I receive DM’s?

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:40:11.143800Z

If members don't complain to the Admins about that, we are not going to proactively take action (since we don't know about other people's DMs by definition).

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:40:21.144200Z

once again, kind of hard to agree without definitions


no one has ever asked you to agree, just told you how it is

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:41:04.145Z

wait… I need to look up if hiredman is a moderator


I am not

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:41:32.146Z

I lost the link

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:41:40.146300Z

I thought you'd have the CoC memorized at this point, or at least bookmarked for ease of reference...

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:42:20.147200Z

it’s not easy to find


good thing too, I very likely would have lost my patience and banned you (although really, I am kind of bouncing back and forth between annoyance and awe at the trolling)

👍 3
hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:42:54.147600Z

exactly my point

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:43:06.148100Z

good thing, you aren’t a moderator


like, you should take this show on the road, charge admission


it is something

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:43:34.149Z

I feel this is turning personal with you


please do

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:43:45.149500Z

when I am simply discussing the CoC


you sure are

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:44:10.150Z

and that’s a problem in this channel?


is it?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:44:36.150600Z

well, isn’t that why the moderator told me to discuss it in this channel?


did they?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:44:45.151Z

actually owner

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:44:48.151200Z

yes, they did

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:45:24.152100Z

I suggested you raise the topic here. It has been discussed. It's pretty clear what the consensus is. I suggest you move on to a different topic.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:45:34.152300Z

4 people

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:46:01.152900Z

let me look up how many # are in the group

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:46:16.153200Z

It's a topic that been endlessly discussed in the past, always with the same consensus.

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:46:39.154100Z

A lot of people here just aren't going to bother engaging with this topic since they consider it a "done deal".

👍 1
dominicm 2019-03-25T18:46:54.154500Z

There are others who are watching and silently agreeing. Making this more than 4.

👍 1
hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:47:19.155100Z

I got my answer. rule by consensus and opinion. not the CoC

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:47:29.155300Z

and speak for everyone

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:47:48.156Z

personally, I feel this is a form of bullying, calling people a troll

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:48:17.156900Z

I am simply talking about an idea, I was told to talk here…. now I am being told to be quiet, and being called names


Not true. Your behavior is being described in terms of other behavior which it strongly resembles.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:49:07.158400Z

it’s all subjective

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:49:10.158700Z

You are choosing to ignore the feedback people have given you.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:49:20.159Z

it’s just 1 group picking on 1 person, at this point

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:49:36.159300Z

the very thing the CoC is designed to protect

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:49:55.159600Z

because bullying is most often conducted by groups

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:50:38.160400Z

and I have not ignored the feedback

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:50:53.161100Z

I had deleted my post, moved to a thread, and asked for clearn definition

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:51:09.161800Z

and I moved to this channel, like asked to do

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:51:10.162100Z

And you are not going to get a clean definition. That much should be clear.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:51:23.162500Z

ok, I got my answer

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:51:43.163100Z

and my opinion is… the very behavior that the CoC is designed to prevent, is happening right here


You are correct, however it is not the moderators who are engaging in the behavior.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:53:26.164900Z

the CoC was designed to protect minority opinions, from attacks of groups of people who agree by consensus


Trolling is not a minority opinion, it is a disruptive and antisocial behavior.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:54:13.165700Z

that is your opinion at this point


Do you disagree?

john 2019-03-25T18:55:23.168Z

Haven't read the whole logback, but it should probably be thrown into to the discussion that we (and I for one) have also very much enjoyed your contributions and questions to the group, @nathantech2005

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:55:36.168300Z

agree with what?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:55:47.168700Z

we have no formal definition of the word “trolling”

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:55:59.169200Z

from my experience, trolling is used when 1 person has a minority opinion


Do you agree that trolling is not a minority opinion, it is a disruptive and antisocial behavior.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:56:11.169700Z

a person is called a troll, because of 1 opinion


And what opinion would that be.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:56:36.170100Z

that we need to define the word

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:56:39.170300Z

before we ban people

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:56:50.170600Z

that is my minority opinion

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:56:56.170900Z

The CoC is not going to be changed to include "trolling".

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:57:34.172100Z

ok, I cannot change that. but then I think there’s probably mountains of other items not in the CoC, that people can be banned for

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:57:44.172500Z

which does not give me confidence to say much

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:58:02.173300Z

If you want to participate in a community that has a CoC that explicitly includes trolling, with a definition, and that people will be banned for trolling, then feel free to create one. Everyone is free to create new communities run under their preferred rules.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:58:28.174400Z

I don’t know what all the rules are, at this point


The reason you cannot define trolling is that it cannot be defined. To insist on a definition of the indefinable is pointless and possibly malicious behavior.

seancorfield 2019-03-25T18:58:35.174800Z

There are some online Clojure communities that have no CoC at all.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:59:03.175400Z

I am malicious?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T18:59:14.175800Z

for asking to define word that can result in a ban


Are you demanding a precise definition for something that cannot be precisely defined?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:00:02.177400Z

then how do we know if someone is trolling?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:00:19.178200Z

because 50 out 50 people will tell a different definition


How do you know if you’re in a forest, when you can’t specify exactly how many trees it takes to make one?

seancorfield 2019-03-25T19:00:30.178700Z

> I don’t know what all the rules are, at this point The "rules" are what the CoC defines. Above and beyond that, members may complain to Admins about individuals or behavior that will be discussed by the Admin team and a decision made about that. Members who have caused complaints will generally be asked first to change their behavior so they stop causing complaints. Persistent violation of that will likely lead to deactivation.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:01:03.179800Z

I was banned from Rails for 2 violations in 2 years

seancorfield 2019-03-25T19:01:05.180Z

If you don't like the way this community is run, try another community, or start your own. That's the freedom everyone has.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:01:14.180500Z

it needs to describe the time frame

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:01:34.181700Z

well, the damages are my contacts are lost on the slack

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:01:39.182100Z

there is monetary damages


The reason 50 out of 50 people will give you different definitions for trolling is because trolling cannot be precisely defined, since it can change at any time to suit the purposes of the person doing the trolling.

👍 1
john 2019-03-25T19:01:51.182800Z

I think the sad truth is the "no asshole" rule can't have a good definition, and it it really just allows communities to boot super assholes

seancorfield 2019-03-25T19:01:53.183Z

If someone here gets deactivated, they will likely not be reactivated.

john 2019-03-25T19:02:09.183400Z

No perfect definition can be had though

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:02:12.183500Z

how many warning in what time frame?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:02:31.184Z

because if it’s too strict, I will think about how much time I invest here

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:02:50.184700Z

I cannot afford to lose a lot of time, contacts. when I banned over 1 incident, based on no defintiion

seancorfield 2019-03-25T19:02:51.184900Z

That would depend on how many complaints the Admin team get about an individual.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:03:05.185300Z

so it’s all just subjective

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:03:20.185800Z

basically, I am hearing, there are no concrete rules

seancorfield 2019-03-25T19:03:49.187100Z

Yes. That's life, unfortunately. Someone who persistently annoys members of an online community is going to have a poor reputation.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:03:52.187300Z

we cannot agree without definitions

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:04:31.188800Z

honestly, people don’t act like this in life

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:04:36.189200Z

life is much better than this


There’s a difference between saying “X cannot be given a precise definition,” and saying “there are no concrete rules.” Again, nobody can tell you exactly how many trees it takes to make a forest, but there are still forests, and you can tell when you’re in one.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:05:05.190600Z

when someone states an opinion in life, people don’t call others a troll or trolling

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:05:50.192Z

in actuality, calling people troll/trolling has become trolling in itself

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:05:54.192300Z

it’s circular logic

slipset 2019-03-25T19:06:23.193200Z

When I was at university back in the early nineties, we had to ask for permission to start posting to USENET. With the permission came a note that reminded us to reflect upon the fact that anything we wrote on USENET would not only be a reflection of ourselves, but also of the university. It further went on to note that being able to post to USENET was a privilege that could be withdrawn at any time. This has formed my interactions with people on the internet ever since.


Similarly, people can come up with infinitely many creative ways to introduce disruptive/malicious behavior into a community, which means you can’t write a rule that says “X and only X is trolling.” Nevertheless, trolling exists, is detectable, and is best removed from the community.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:06:59.193900Z

well, my reflections is… in order to engage with me, I need definitions

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:07:07.194200Z

that is how language works, rules and definitions

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:07:11.194400Z

not circular definitions

john 2019-03-25T19:07:34.195400Z

Anyone's set of definitions can get gamed though, can't they?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:07:45.196Z

sure, but still need to start at a definition

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:07:55.196900Z

no definition, that definately leads to ambiguity


There’s nothing wrong with how language works. We use terms like “trolling” and “forest” in perfectly meaningful ways even though neither can be defined precisely.

slipset 2019-03-25T19:08:26.197900Z

In a bar, if a bouncer tells you you’re being to loud/noisy/whatever that’s the the exact definition of being to loud/noisy/whatever. You then choose to adjust your behaviour or you leave.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:08:50.198600Z

but trolling has adopted a very wide defintion, far past the patter recognition of seeing a forest

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:09:23.199200Z

and the dictionary does define “forest”, even if its open to multiple perceptions


The fact that some people misuse a term does not mean that the term itself has no meaning.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:09:54.199800Z

that’s my point

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:10:04.200100Z

how does one know when it’s being mis-used?

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:11:21.201300Z

I could understand “spamming” a lot easier… but “trolling”, no

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:11:50.202300Z

the internet does not even have a defintiion of it, there’s like 10 different definitions

hipster coder 2019-03-26T17:06:44.225100Z

I had to do a pull request today to remove internet slang from a README on github. We thought it was some new Java tech.

hipster coder 2019-03-26T17:07:54.225300Z

My dad worked as a technical writer and engineer for aerospace. He said... jargon in a technical document can result in a crashed airplane.

hipster coder 2019-03-26T17:10:32.225500Z

The boeing max 8 crashed because of arbitrary changes. Changing systems without well written and presented documentation. And failed sensors.


Fortunately, Slack is not the source code you are talking about.

hipster coder 2019-03-28T15:56:12.000100Z


hipster coder 2019-03-28T15:56:19.000300Z

or the UI


Generally, people who enjoy trolling enjoy persistent trolling. Patterns will form around people like this: they’ll frequently be in discussions that become derailed, disruptive, antagonistic, etc. And it will be the same people, over and over. The longer the pattern continues, the less likely it is that the term “trolling” is being mis-used.

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:13:26.204200Z

honestly, I do not understand any of that

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:14:04.205Z

persistent? I have no idea what that means

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:14:11.205300Z

persistant is opposite of derailed

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:14:26.205600Z

if a conversation is derailed, it’s not persistant

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:15:06.206100Z

so if the conversation is persistant, but one disagrees with it, they will certainly call it “derailed”

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:16:52.207100Z

ok… I am going to take a break… but I can say this… I am very worried about investing too much time, only to have it lost, because everything is so subjective

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:16:56.207300Z

have a good day, everyone

hipster coder 2019-03-25T19:17:09.207700Z

and please do not refer to me unless I am present in the room