borkdude 2020-01-27T10:38:30.020700Z

I tried to find the previous clj-kondo announcement in #announcements to group my current announcement, but I could not find it anymore.

borkdude 2020-01-27T10:38:42.021200Z

even though it's only a week or two ago


History on Slack is about 10K messages, I believe, across all channels.


You can see much longer history on ZulipChat announce stream. I was not thorough in checking, but I see a post there from you about clj-kondo on 2019-Dec-14

borkdude 2020-01-27T10:41:26.023100Z

Just saying I'm doing my best not to spam the channel. 🤷


Understood, and thanks. If the desired minimum period is longer than Slack's history, then Slack by itself isn't enough to check whether someone is spamming 🙂

vemv 2020-01-27T10:42:30.024200Z

Wondering if you checked out ? (of course it being far from the one and only solution)

vemv 2020-01-27T10:42:41.024600Z

this is how it looks in practice

vemv 2020-01-27T10:42:56.024700Z

vemv 2020-01-27T10:44:24.025Z

a rough edge is that if people don't craft nice tags / github releases, one will just see a v3.0.2 instead of a proper, informative changelog (tbh to date I still don't craft such releases)

borkdude 2020-01-27T10:46:03.025200Z

looks cool! although I inform myself of new stuff mostly through slack and twitter

borkdude 2020-01-27T10:46:38.025400Z

are these streams published to a slack channel here?

vemv 2020-01-27T10:46:58.025600Z

yes, it's a slack screenshot from my workplace

borkdude 2020-01-27T10:47:18.025800Z

so, not here as in this slack

vemv 2020-01-27T10:47:46.026Z


borkdude 2020-01-27T10:48:10.026200Z

might be an idea. I've also set up a channel #babashka_circleci_builds where people can download pre-release binaries.

vemv 2020-01-27T10:49:11.026400Z

:thumbsup: I think one can selectively perform a specific RSS subscription to e.g. #clj-kondo

plexus 2020-01-27T12:00:51.026600Z

This is really neat, and in this case it's just a few messages a day at most so that's fine. Just keep in mind that if more people start piping feeds into slack like this that this will further eat into the 10k messages of history that slack retains.

👍 3