Is this the right channel to reach the admins about Clojurians? I wanted to ask if anyone had considered turning off the Slack notifications when people join/leave a channel ( I personally find them kind of noisy, and wondered if anyone felt the same way.
Yep, right channel. I’ll bring it up with the other admins.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Here's an example from the #clojure channel as I see it... and I got no alerts or notifications for that, not even "new activity" in that channel.
I like the join messages, helps me see new people in my podcast channel
@seancorfield I'm glad they're helpful for admins. But they're never anything useful to me, and with thousands of members, I'm always scrolling past a join/leave message somewhere. It's not a big deal, I just figured it might be a nice quality-of-life improvement to hide them.
I love the join messages for similar reasons to @nate's. I also dislike the leave messages a lot. They make me sad.