borkdude 2021-02-23T09:04:13.000100Z

borkdude 2021-02-23T09:04:24.000400Z

Don't these videos belong in #news-and-articles rather than #announcements?

pez 2021-02-23T09:20:16.001Z

My background with product management would place them in announcements. 😃

seancorfield 2021-02-23T17:37:49.002800Z

@borkdude Definitely a grey area IMO but they are specifically product-related. I haven't wanted to complain so far but I do lean toward asking Tony to use #news-and-articles instead for videos/blog posts... I don't think the Admin team has consensus on this particular series of announcements...

seancorfield 2021-02-23T17:40:48.003400Z

I'll see what the other Admins think (one Admin already replied to Tony in a thread suggesting #news-and-articles for these videos).