

How do people tend to organise components in a project? Do people put them in a namespace or just put them in and amongst other code/namespaces?

donaldball 2016-10-05T15:26:19.000046Z

I generally have a foo.system ns which manages constructing the system, and nses for each component or related group of components.

seancorfield 2016-10-05T16:18:18.000047Z

We have a foo.application which is for the overall application system component, and then each "subsystem" has a nominal "lead namespace" that contains the its component and the "constructor" function that that. That way our tests (for a subsystem) can construct that component and test the subsystem independently of the main application.

seancorfield 2016-10-05T16:18:50.000048Z

(that said, we’re still in the process of migrating our legacy code to Component so things are still a bit in flux)