

I'm using component and for some reason, no combination of the following is running my latest changes - component/stop - (or (refresh :after ...)) - component/start any idea what's up?


stop followed by refresh followd by start should work


i'm using this that I've found:

(defn go []

(defn reset []
  (refresh :after 'user/go))


but if you put any exclusive state (like eg. opening an http port) in the component, and called refresh before stop, then you are stuck


because the namespace has been teared down and deconstructed, so you no longer have a convenient handle to the thing monopolizing the resource

donaldball 2017-09-21T18:31:27.000178Z

My usual repl recipe is:

(defn init!
  (log/info :msg "Initializing repl system")
  (let [config (config/load-config)]
    (alter-var-root #'system (constantly (system/assemble-system config)))))

(defn start!
  (when-not (:started? system)
    (log/info :msg "Starting repl system")
    (alter-var-root #'system system/start)))

(defn stop!
  (when (:started? system)
    (log/info :msg "Stopping repl system")
    (alter-var-root #'system system/stop)))

(defn restart!

(defn rebuild!


it's weird, manually refreshing after a stop seems to "find" my changed files, at least as far as what gets printed in the repl (cider) but then... it still is running the old code.


and @donaldball that's basically what I have, pretty close to stuart sierra's recipe

donaldball 2017-09-21T18:38:20.000561Z

I dunno, sorry, I don’t really tend to use tools.namespace


@josh.freckleton what if you use load-file or require with the :reload arg, does that change things where refresh does not?


if so, it could be that tools.namespace is confused or misconfigured

danielcompton 2017-09-21T20:39:54.000080Z

@josh.freckleton sometimes I find tools.namespace gets really stuck and I have to call c.t.n.repl/clear to reset things

danielcompton 2017-09-21T20:40:00.000141Z

Also, are you using lein or boot?


@danielcompton I'm on lein, I'll have to look into clear, thanks! It sounds like that's what's going on and I'm not sure why!

danielcompton 2017-09-21T21:14:15.000399Z

also reloaded.repl is great for standardising all of the behaviour above ^^

danielcompton 2017-09-21T21:14:23.000150Z

pretty much the same but nice to have in a library, at least I like it