With a system map, when u have system using, how do you know which component will be started first and last?
I don't think it should matter as long as all your dependencies are declared
why would you have an ordering requirement that doesn't correspond to a dependency?
(even if you do, you could add an artificial dependency to enforce the ordering)
I have a builder which starts first, then a stream that starts next, which both go into a topology. I think that as the topology has the most deps it will start later, is that correct?
>why would you have an ordering requirement that doesn’t correspond to a dependency? I’m not sure what you mean sorry
I think i haven’t understood the concept of the component starting vs ordering correctly
if component A depends (in the system/using sense) on component B, then component B will always start first
when the start
function is called on a component, all its dependencies are present and have already started
Got ya thanks very much
I sort of knew that, but didnt know it if thats makes sense haha
Thanks again!