I am interested in Onyx
And I got the Clojure machine learning book for free while Packt Publishing was running that special
how would you make use of that as a backend to http://clojurescript.io
Well I was thinking of running something against all the collected evaluated forms, and maybe form (pun intended) common usage patterns, and then have warnings like lein-kibit...but it is just a first thought, I am confident I can come up with something better :)
@alexmiller you mean without using tools like Spark or even Onyx? Pure Clojure AI from scratch?
Sorry disregard the above ^
Hey guys! I'm thinking about a react native proposal but can't think of anything specific. Are there particular fields you can think of or should it be something like "getting started with react native"
@dvcrn: This is currently the most popular topic on the wiki: "ClojureScript + ReactNative (9 interested)"
Not sure who added it or if anyone else is proposing a react native talk, but @alexmiller should be able to offer some advice on this
seems to me that a "getting started" talk would be good as the subject is so new to the :cljs: community
You can check the history if you want to see who added or bumped it
I don't have access atm to the submitted proposals, not sure whether anything is in yet
Generally half the proposals come in in the last 2 days
cool - did you plan to submit a proposal on the topic or just interested @donmullen
Was hoping one of these folks (https://github.com/orgs/cljsrn/people) might jump in — those with much more hands on experience — @dvcrn I think the only person who has said he might submit. I’m open to presenting and could pull together a ‘current state of cljsrn”. Things are certainly moving fast - but it’s definitely still bleeding edge.
Here’s a placeholder for ideas : https://github.com/cljsrn/community/wiki/ClojureWest-2016 - currently empty.