
:neovim:+:clj: - If you're enjoying Conjure and want to say thanks: :smile: (alt
Olical 2020-06-20T08:45:09.258500Z

Is anyone else still having issues with the HUD background colour? Some themes seem to make it bright pink which isn't super readable. Conjure has no theme, so this is the Pmenu group, I wonder if I can create like a sub group that inherits from Pmenu so people can change the HUD background without changing their autocomplete popup :thinking_face:

Aron 2020-06-20T08:49:50.259400Z

so the autocomplete popup can be bright pink still? : )

Olical 2020-06-20T08:50:59.260400Z

Hah, good point, that is probably not what anyone wants. But they may want their autocomplete popup different to their Conjure HUD. Which really sounds like I'm talking myself into yet more work for something I'm not sure anybody wants... so I'll leave it for now.

Olical 2020-06-20T08:51:12.260800Z

I just need to make it more obvious how you can change the background, I'm not setting it.

Olical 2020-06-20T09:09:29.261200Z

Ohh, just discovered NormalFloat! :highlight NormalFloat ctermbg=black guibg=black

Olical 2020-06-20T09:09:32.261400Z

That works for the HUD

Aron 2020-06-20T09:10:36.261600Z


Olical 2020-06-20T10:40:56.262Z

My new config approach feels quite a bit more discoverable!

👍 3
Olical 2020-06-20T11:53:13.262700Z

[develop f716432] Rewrote all config, deleted session list mapping
 34 files changed, 389 insertions(+), 538 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 fnl/conjure/client/clojure/nrepl/config.fnl
 delete mode 100644 fnl/conjure/client/janet/netrepl/config.fnl
 delete mode 100644 lua/conjure/client/clojure/nrepl/config.lua
 delete mode 100644 lua/conjure/client/janet/netrepl/config.lua
😬 and more to do

Olical 2020-06-20T11:53:45.263600Z

Plan is to get the old system working as a shim with a warning for a while too, so the update / develop shouldn't break your setup but push you towards the new one.

Olical 2020-06-20T11:53:55.263900Z

There's a LOT less going on in the new config system so it should be easier to use.

Aron 2020-06-20T12:08:03.264600Z

I just wish I could somehow nicely organize my vim config, but everywhere I look there are quite big ad-hoc, one man systems

Aron 2020-06-20T12:08:17.264900Z

I am using stow for dotfiles btw, it's really nice

Aron 2020-06-20T12:08:38.265400Z

but the organization inside vim would require me to get on the next level with vim

Olical 2020-06-20T12:15:48.266400Z

You can just get away with a single init.vim file and all of your let g:... in there, then just add a bunch of comments to split things up. Some people add folding to their vimrc too which makes it quite easy to navigate.

Olical 2020-06-20T12:16:16.267100Z

I have a whole custom system for dynamically loading files but that's just my thing that I developed over years as I saw the need. Keep it as simple as you want 🙂 I use stow too, it's great for dotfiles.

Aron 2020-06-20T12:34:10.267400Z

I have a single init file but there is too much in it

Aron 2020-06-20T12:34:41.268Z

yeah, dotfiles, very convenient to install/uninstall them

Olical 2020-06-20T12:34:55.268200Z

Definitely give folding via comments a go

👍 1
Aron 2020-06-21T07:50:57.275600Z

I read this, twice. Says 109 is long, mine is 331. There is an example fold in the article linked and that fold wraps a number of lines. So to use this technique, I would have to wrap some lines in some comments. What I think I didn't express clearly before that I don't even know what to learn to know how to group these lines, how to organize them. Folding is great if you have at least some conception of what you want to hide and how to describe it, but most of my init vim is arcane magic to me, as obscure as anything.

Aron 2020-06-21T07:57:27.275800Z

Before I wrote here I actually spent about 5 minutes trying to at least put some folds in and it seemed pointless 🙂 Not sharing it with any expectations in mind, just in case someone seeing this is curious.

Olical 2020-06-20T14:22:27.270Z

Just pushed doc changes, so I think I'm done for today. If you want to be an early bird, hop over to develop and you'll see warnings for where you're setting config with the old system. All docs should be updated already. Config is now set through let g:conjure#..., it can be set before or after Conjure is loaded, so far less confusion there I hope!

Olical 2020-06-20T14:23:12.270900Z

The only notable changes are: Things that were prefixed by mappings are now mapping, clients is now filetype_client and all of the client specific config is under g:conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#... etc.

Olical 2020-06-20T14:23:50.271900Z

Old config styles should work but show warnings. I will remove it pretty quickly, so I'll write up a guide to updating (not much to it) when I get around to releasing.

Olical 2020-06-20T14:24:11.272400Z

Just looking for early feedback right now 🙂 it's been quite a bit of work but I think it's worth it in the long run.

Olical 2020-06-20T14:25:18.272800Z

My changes to my dotfiles to update from a custom function I had to just g:conjure#...

Olical 2020-06-20T14:26:58.274500Z

Things I had to change in the config to get it to work in vim land: * ? suffixes are gone, incompatible. * - is now _. * everything is one path system separated by #, no more clojure.nrepl/debug special casing. That's about it really... other than moving mappings and clients around slightly.

Olical 2020-06-20T14:33:06.275Z quite a few changes so far 😬 let's hope they're all perfectly accurate!

Olical 2020-06-20T14:33:30.275400Z

I just had a skim and I can't spot any typos, let me know if any docs etc seem wonky!