I accidentally tagged and released master before I merged develop 😬 fixed now!
thanks oliver!
\o/ just tried 4.7 and fixes "the little floating window that didn't want to go away" issue! Cheers 🍻
WOO 😄 also thank you so much for the sponsorship, I will be sure to spend it on caffeine (and maybe alcohol if required?) to continue Conjure development
It is the least I can do as I'm now switched to conjure fulltime! Thanks for creating/maintaining it 👏
Wait, I can evaluate clojure code in markdown files?!
Yep, you have to configure client_filetypes and point markdown at the Clojure nREPL module, I'm on my phone so I can't write this out as something copy paste able right now
cool, I'll have to play with this at some point
didn't even know it was a thing I could have, but now I really want to try it out for docs
this is amazing, I just tried it out and it works wonderfully
thanks for this feature!
I created a PR to add this feature to doc/conjure-client-clojure-nrepl.txt to make it easier to find. https://github.com/Olical/conjure/pull/122