
:neovim:+:clj: - If you're enjoying Conjure and want to say thanks: :smile: (alt

Hi! I just finished :ConjureSchool, very slick, very enjoyable. For some reason, :h conjure displays <localleader>ls as localleader>ls is this the same for others?

Olical 2020-11-23T20:32:12.215Z

Ah it was a vim help syntax formatting issue, I needed to close the code block above it explicitly. Fixed on develop, thanks for pointing it out πŸ™‚

dharrigan 2020-11-23T08:03:40.213200Z

That does look to be a small teenyweeny typo bug πŸ™‚ I see the same.

Olical 2020-11-23T09:13:47.213700Z

Yep, just a typo πŸ˜…

martinklepsch 2020-11-23T18:48:43.214600Z

Just a shout out: using Conjure every day and it’s never ran into any problems with it ever. Flawless πŸ‘Œ

πŸ’― 6
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