Hey Team - I saw that Neovim is now getting a native LSP. To me, conjure & CIDER & the like are pure magic, I'm not super familiar with how they work and integrate with the editor. I was just curious what this means/could mean for conjure?
I'm more just curious/interested than anything else!
Currently I use coc
as a LSP client.
It provides feature outside of conjure / cider like this:
Also provides good autocomplete across a project.
Yes, I use CoC too, I think it (presently) is a more complete LSP
I have yet to evaluate the neovim 5 LSP integration, simply due to waiting until NeoVim 5 is out.
I'm using it with clojure-lsp. It's very nice for documentation/navigation/completion. Still bugs to be ironed out across the board. I haven't really used actions yet.
You can combine both but you have to have different keybindings setup.
Conjure is nice to have so that you can actually query live values (vs whatever is in the files).