
:neovim:+:clj: - If you're enjoying Conjure and want to say thanks: :smile: (alt
Olical 2021-04-07T11:04:32.049500Z

So you might need to adjust the shadow-cljs path too? Not sure how to do that, but I have a feeling shadow-cljs has it's own classpath config? (maybe not called a classpath)

Olical 2021-04-07T11:06:58.049700Z

A little background: When you connect to an nREPL it opens a "session" (the thing that Conjure represents as names of cat/dog breeds but they're just UUIDs that I'm adding a human representation to) Conjure has one session selected at a time, but your nREPL can have many sessions. (search in :h conjure-client-clojure-nrepl for the session mappings) When you shadow select, your current session becomes a ClojureScript session where evals are handled by shadow. You can open a new session that's plain clojure, then hop between sessions to hop between your clj and cljs evals.

Olical 2021-04-07T11:08:04.049900Z

The alternative approach is to use :helpgrep ConjureClientState

Olical 2021-04-07T11:09:30.050100Z

Then set up an autocmd in your vim so that on buf enter you look at the current file path then set the state string to clj or cljs, for example, each time you set the client state you get a kind of parallel universe of Conjure, so you can have one variant enabled while in the clj dir and another in the cljs dir. Each of which can have their own connections or sessions.

Olical 2021-04-07T11:10:18.050300Z

I don't have a code snippet for this, but an autocmd that checks your current file's dir and sets the ConjureClientState is enough to flip your state back and forth. It's very simple so that it's flexible and you can fit into your own workflow / constraints.

Olical 2021-04-07T11:11:01.050500Z

augroup conjure_set_state_key_on_dir_changed
  autocmd DirChanged * execute "ConjureClientState " . getcwd()
augroup END
From the help text




Is there a way to jump to the “alternate” test namespace for the current ns as defined by the <localleader>tN shortcut?

Olical 2021-04-07T22:00:03.052800Z

Not in Conjure but I can recommend tpope's plugin for jumping to alternate files, it's made for this situation

Olical 2021-04-07T22:00:14.053Z

I can't remember the name right now :thinking_face:


Oh yeah, I remember looking at that once. Thanks!