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mozinator2 2021-04-12T08:01:24.059800Z

Does anyone know if there is a way to configure a connect timeout to nrepl ?

mozinator2 2021-04-12T08:03:05.060800Z

Been looking in the conjure source code a bit. I think connecting to the remote nrepl happens here fnl/conjure/remote/nrepl.fnl

mozinator2 2021-04-12T08:04:16.061600Z

The problem that I run into is that conjure tries connecting to nrepl even though nrepl is not ready for the connection yet

mozinator2 2021-04-12T08:04:27.061800Z

And it sort-of hangs for a bit

Olical 2021-04-13T16:45:26.066900Z

Hmm can't say I've ever seen this :thinking_face: it will hang for a little while if it's still coming up, but then it works eventually I thought? Are you manually connecting to the host / port before it's fully up and it's hanging forever? Because if so I'd love an issue for that. (well, not love love but you know what I mean 😛)

dharrigan 2021-04-12T08:10:19.062100Z

Perhaps a feature request?

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mozinator2 2021-04-12T10:45:58.062500Z

It might be that I am the only person experiencing this..

dharrigan 2021-04-12T10:50:50.063600Z

I don't really notice it tbh. I normally launch a repl in another terminal, then by the time I've opened up another terminal, navigated to the directory, opened up vim with the file, the repl is up and running in the background, and it connects instanenously.

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