major changes in dev?
Error detected while processing /home/david/.env/vim/bundle/conjure/plugin/conjure.vim:
line 2:
E5105: Error while calling lua chunk: /home/david/.vim/bundle/conjure/lua/conjure/main.lua:19: module 'aniseed.autoload' not found:
no field package.preload['aniseed.autoload']
no file '/home/david/.vim/lua/aniseed/autoload.lua'
no file '/home/david/.vim/lua/aniseed/autoload/init.lua'
`lots of red 😢
Oh no! I know what that is!
So I added "autoload" as a concept to replace require which means modules are loaded when used, not when specified (like vim's autoload concept) but it looks like you don't have Aniseed installed and my embedding code didn't catch this part of the code.
Worked it out 🙂 fixing asap I hope
Sorry for the issue, I've been making sweeping changed in the name of startup time
No problem, I've been following (lurking) the discussion on discord
On dev
, Conjure no longer works.
Should be fixed! 🙂
Thank you! All appears well with the world once again 🙂 ttfn!
⚠️ Action required - upgrade app for clojurians ⚠️