let g:conjure#mapping#def_word = ["gd"]
seems to work for me, but the default config let g:conjure#mapping#def_word = "gd"
doesn't. Am I doing something wrong?
That's prefixed with the conjure prefix by default, is that not working? I had people complain that overriding the bare mapping of gd by default was bad practice and conflicted with things. So I made it prefixed by default.
ahaaa, I guess I can learn that, I didn't understand that it was prefixed
You can always unprefix if it's okay in your setup 😊
yep, prefixed <localleader>gd works as it should
I'm not sure what is best in the long run, I'll probably use prefix for now
If you
I meant to say, if you use LSP at some point that may assume gd by default. All I can think of.
I'll one day swap it all out for <plug> mappings and that config will make a lot more sense I think
One day!
it seems the purpose of localleader is to have file type specific commands, so I can buy that I should be using it with conjure
Yup! Precisely
but yeah, eventually if one has LSP servers for all languages, maybe it makes sense that they all should use unprefixed 😛
Yeah, I think semantically that makes sense. Conjure handles evaluation and only evaluation, LSP is more of the IDE like features across the board.
thank you for building conjure, it really helps when developing clojure in vim
I've seen gd
remapped to coc-definition
or something along those lines
This is what I have in my vim config
nmap <silent> gd <Plug>(coc-definition)
bb 0.4.4 is released which should give a better error context with the nREPL server (cc @olical)
do you recommend that one uses both an nREPL and a LSP in vim?
^This is what I do. It's a winning combination of static analysis and REPL context awareness.
Yup, I do that too. They make a great team.
holy crap: nvim $(mktemp --suffix=".clj")
+ auto-bb repl is the scratch buffer I've always wanted!!!!