Hey I just updated my conjure with the recent master and now when I don't have a repl connected I don't have syntax highlight anymore for clojure files, what I'm need to do? If I remove conjure it highlight normally
So the ft may be correct but your syntax might be wrong (two separate options)
Conjure doesn't do anything to your highlighting though, so shouldn't be related
Strange, this happens only on 'v4.20.0'
on-wards, so you mean that another plugin could be messing with my clojure sintax?
Do you have any tips on investigating this?
I need to investigate my diffs but I didn't do anything around filetypes
Maybe it's to do with my babashka terminal opening?
Alongside some special vim option
That I don't have
I will disable bb to test
Yeap I added this in my nvim config:
let g:conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#connection#auto_repl#enabled = v:false
And is proper working now
Using tag 'v4.19.0'
works fine
cc @olical
NVIM v0.4.4
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.0.5
Does writing :syntax on work after file is loaded?
no, it stays without highlights
if I do a :set ft
it says filetype=clojure