How do I convert a collection of channels that will contain only one value (response from a network request) to a collection of those values, while maintaining order?
;; Specifically, I have this
[ch1 ch2 ch3 ...]
;; and want this
[(<! ch1) (<! ch2) (<! ch3) ...]
My first thought was something like (map #(<! %) chs)
, but I don't think the containing go
block will work across the function border. Eventually, a coworker came up with this, but it really seems like there should be an easier way that we're not thinking of.
(a/go-loop [acc [] chs chs]
(if (seq chs)
(let [ret (<! (first chs))]
(recur (conj acc ret) (rest chs)))
Is there a better way to do this?clojure.core.async/merge
I looked at that, but it uses alts!
, so order is lost.
I think you could use core.async/map (
Oh, I bet you're right!
(<!! (a/map vector [(a/go (Thread/sleep 1000) 1) (a/go 2)]))
[1 2]
Thanks!in favor of transducers on the channel
no, itโs not
whoops, no it isn't: that's map< and map>