
souenzzo 2019-04-01T09:30:54.056300Z

@idiomancy it's not the case of use a transducer on channel?

idiomancy 2019-04-01T12:58:39.056900Z

as is frequently the case with core.async, I ended up completely rethinking my approach

idiomancy 2019-04-01T22:33:06.060800Z

Oh no!! I saw mix, and I thought it was like the inverse of mult, like, "put value on out-chan when and only when a value has been consumed from each of the inputs" like, I thought if there was (toggle (mix out) {in1 {} in2 {}}) that takes to out would park until a put to both in1 and in2 had occurred

idiomancy 2019-04-01T22:33:13.061100Z

is there a thing that does that??

idiomancy 2019-04-01T22:33:57.061400Z

blocking-mix or something


@idiomancy wouldn't (async/map f in1 in2) do this - calling f for each pair of values from in1 / in2 and always waiting for both?