yeah that's a good point, the order isn't defined with a/merge
, so it wouldn't be strictly ordered by arrival time if you e.g. waited a few seconds to take from the merged channel of typical web service calls
Really interesting. In my case, as long as a have the fastest 4, I don’t care about the order within those 4.
One thing I wonder is, if for some reason service is not available, how would you do a timeout to ensure this doesn’t block forever?
merge takes channels so you could just add four (a/timeout your-preferred-delay)
or if doing my original way make each request alt on the actual response or a timeout channel
right, something like that:
(defn random-get [response-ch n]
(let [wait (rand 4000)
res (a/alt! (a/timeout wait) wait
(a/timeout 1000) :skipped)]
(a/>! response-ch [n res]))))
(let [results-chan (a/chan 3 (take 4))]
(dotimes [n 10]
(random-get results-chan n)))
(prn (repeatedly 4 #(a/<!! results-chan))))