yes, alt! doesn't return a channel, but this error looks like you can't pass keyword as argument to alt!.
ran into a weird issue, I just update core.async to the latest version, when I do (require 'clojure.core.async) an error tell me ClassNotFound for clojure.core.async.Mutex. But after some searching, I think there's no such Class or symbol in core.async code base.
the error is from (<! (alt! ...))
this is the definition
that file was last edited in 2013
but the latest version doesn't have java code anymore
maybe I shoud clear the target directory
that's true - the java code is still in github, but the released artifacts for recent versions don't have the classfiles
but also, the references to Mutex are removed from the clojure.core.async.impl.mutex ns
what file is it trying to load when you see that error?
also, I wonder why the github code doesn't reflect recent releases
Why don't you think it reflects recent releases?
in github, theres a, in the jar from maven, there's no corresponding class file, and the mutex definition doesn't use that class any more
And the pom isn't setup to compile Java code
So there is nothing to package
oh, I missed this, you're right. is still in the repo, but is now a no-op, and the mutex impl doesn't try to use it any more
It doesn't appear to be in the repo any more at least on master either
I must have ended up looking at the wrong version due to bad github js or user error
@doglooksgood i had a similar problem some time ago and i had to do a dependency tree in order to figure out what was bringing in a very old version of core.async
i don't recall exactly what it was anymore but i vaguely remember something with an old clojurescript version