I'm reproducing the examples of Tim Baldridge's O'Reilly course: https://resources.oreilly.com/examples/0636920041474/blob/master/Communicating%20Sequential%20Processes%20with%20core.async%20-%20Working%20Files/Chapter%205/Introduction%20to%20backpressure/Lesson_Introduction_to_Backpressure.clj
(def c (chan 24))
(loop [i 0]
(println "Putting: " i)
(>! c i)
(recur (inc i))))
(<!! c)
This code demonstrates back pressure. Whenever I take a value from the channel with
(<!! c)
a new value is put onto the channel by the loop.
I closed the channel with
(close! c)
to see what happens.
Strangely, the loop no longer blocked and started printing thousands of "Putting: ..." lines. How can this be explained?
I would have expected an error.> puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Must be called > inside a (go ...) block. Will park if no buffer space is available. > Returns true unless port is already closed. if the put doesn't succeed, it returns false. You are attempting to put onto a closed channel which immediately returns false and then you loop again
(docstring from >!
using the >!!
version but demonstrates a similarity:
(let [closed-chan (doto (a/chan) (a/close!))]
(a/>!! closed-chan 3))
=> false
i believe your expectation was that this would block forever as it was unable to put onto the closed channel
I see. Thanks!