Hi, this may be related to the above discussion, but is there an idiomatic way of taking from a channel in batches with a timeout?
yes, alt with a timeout
the buffer function above is an example of that
Ok great that’s just what I needed
Ok, pardon the question, but when I try that buffer function in my REPL I get ‘Can only recur from tail position’. What am I overlooking?
I think you should be able to just remove that last recur statement, and put those values in the loop bindings instead
(defn buffer
[in ms N]
(let [out (chan)]
(loop [b [(<! in)] timer (timeout ms)]
(if timer
timer (do (>! out b)
(recur [] nil))
in ([v]
(let [new-buffer (conj b v)]
(if (= N (count new-buffer))
(>! out new-buffer)
(recur [] nil))
(recur new-buffer timer))))))))
(can't test it out at the moment)