
xtreak29 2017-10-23T09:13:26.000375Z

How can I get all the successions in the conde elements as below I need to store the values of z as a list. Similar to where all the ancestors are listed

(defn route [x y]
   [(c x y)]
   [(fresh [z]
      (c x z)
      (route z y))]))

(def facts
   [c 'a 'b]
   [c 'a 'x]
   [c 'b 'c]
   [c 'c 'd]
   [c 'd 'e]))

(pldb/with-db facts
                 (run* [q]
                   (fresh [x y]
                     (== x 'a)
                     (== y 'e)
                     (route x y)
                     (== q  (route x y)))))
I need the result as [[a b][b c][c d][d e]] . Is it possible with core.logic ?

xtreak29 2017-10-23T09:37:09.000328Z

It seems it's not possible with core.logic : . Can someone explain the answer where David Nolen points out passing it to set constructor ?


I’d have to think some, but a couple notes: First, goals are not functions that return values. (== q (route x y)) is nonsensical on core.logic.


If this is easily double you’d need:


(route r x y) which asserts r is a route between x and y


given the provided facts


Then you’d assert (route q ’a ’e)


Otherwise you can’t generate the path, only the fact that a path exists

xtreak29 2017-10-23T14:34:36.000548Z

@norman Thanks I am currently a newbie to core.logic and still trying to grasp it. I was trying to convert the Prolog examples of recursive relations to core.logic and also found the definition of relations using functions at and thought it's right to use functions as goals. The closest I have got to working is as below :

(run-db* facts [q]
                        (fresh [x]
                          (== x 'a)
                          (route x q))) ;; (x b c d e)


Yes, that route is just a fact that asserts a route exists