Would you recommend learning prolog before learning core.logic? What's the best course of action?
I tried prolog initially because it had a better syntax IMO but core.logic seemed to offer the same as I looked into it. There is an online REPL to write prolog without installing anything. SWI prolog is the recommended implementation. I used "learn prolog now" which is introductory and good. I wrote some basic programs in prolog to find relations and so on. Online repl : https://swish.swi-prolog.org/ Learn prolog now : http://learnprolognow.org/ Solving graph coloring problem in prolog : https://bernardopires.com/2013/10/try-logic-programming-a-gentle-introduction-to-prolog/ My experience with prolog and core.logic (Shameless plug) : https://tirkarthi.github.io/clojure/2017/10/28/coloring-india.html In case you want a full fledged book the art of prolog is said to be a good one : https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/art-prolog I am curious about others perspective on this.
I have a few books on logic programming that I should probably go through
I'm going to check out that http://learnprolognow.org
so far i've been able to get a swig prolog repl working in emacs, which is a godsend 🙂