Hi! Is there a way to express disequality with core.logic in CLJS? Here is a small example what I would like to do:
(l/run* [p]
(l/fresh [pos-1 pos-2]
(l/membero pos-1 [0 1])
(l/membero pos-2 [0 1])
(l/!= pos-1 pos-2) ;; pos-1 must not be equal to pos-2
(l/== p [{:x pos-1}
{:x pos-2}])))
https://github.com/clojure/core.logic/wiki/Using-core.logic-with-ClojureScript says disequality constraints aren't available on CLJS. Is there a way around this?
Are finite domains available on CLJS?I can’t speak to core logic but you can express this kind of thing in a forward way with Meander. If you’re interested, feel free to share your problem in #meander.