@meow: Personally I think Clojure is particularly strong if you want to actually use the outputs of your data science work in live production systems. Python, R and Julia are good for doing standalone data science, but are nowhere near to Clojure if you want to build a general purpose, production application.
@shriphani: Incanter 2.0 I think is pretty close to being ready... just needs a push to the finish line I think? Aleksandr Sorokoumov did some great work on this last year for Google Summer of Code.
@jstokes: absolutely agree with you! The combination of Clojure's functional approach and the JVM leverage are probably the two reasons I prefer Clojure to anything else for data science.
fingers crossed.
I would love to contribute to core.matrix ,but I am fairly new to Clojure. I have to level up my game first.
It seems to me that the ease with which you can do FRP in clojurescript using om (or om.next), reagent, re-frame, etc ought to be a big advantage for data science use as well. Agree or disagree @mikera ?
Yeah I guess so.... though I haven't really explored those options too much yet. I do most data science stuff with a plain REPL (and my trusty Counterclockwise) Would love something that enables a more visual interface to data sets.
@yusup: welcome to the fold! There are quite a few relatively easy contributions that you can make even as a beginner. Do have a poke around in the code base.... Even stuff like docstring improvements, extra tests etc. are helpful right now.
Thanks. I will do my best. I am
and is there a scikit style lib in the works based on core.matrix ?
@mikera have you used gorilla repl with incanter?
for your more visual interface to data sets, i mean