eleonore: possibly sel ?
code here: https://github.com/mikera/core.matrix/pull/118/files
I've been thinking about doing something like specter in core.matrix
otfrom: it seems to be only a selection by index. It makes sense for matrices, but for datasets I'd like to be able to select for when a value in column :a
is equal to a 10 for example.
mikera: a specter like thing would be cool
does it really need that much power?
hmmm... getting this atm:
(require [clojure.core.matrix.selection :as $])
CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.core.matrix.selection, compiling:(*cider-repl matty*:53:12)
with core.matrix 0.51
eleonore: I mean sel in clojure.core.matrix.selection as opposed to the select you were looking at
yes, that's the sel
I was talking about
eleonore: does this style not work for you? (sel [[-1 0][1 2]] (where pos?)) ;=> [1 2]
(though I can't even get the ns to load at the moment. I suspect PEBCAK)
otfrom: I got an error when trying it with column name. I'm not using matrices but datasets.
eleonore: is it something you can do using sel in incanter?
otfrom: I'm sure of it, yes! I just wanted to know if I could do this using core.matrix instead of having an extra dependency to handle my datasets
eleonore: I think for now we'll have to go w/incanter (1.5.1-SNAPSHOT).
mikera: were you wanting something lens like from specter or was it more just around the power of the selections?
hi lora
hello otfrom!