phew all the coordinate renames are done. exactly zero people should care right now, but I can get on with actual work. 1.0.10 is out
it begins ...
s/conform'ing polymorphic clojure.core/map, example & counter-example
this is the PoC I had last week 🙂
@yogsototh ^^ you asked me last week if I had a counter-example for clojure.core/map's polymorphic spec 🙂
(all [:N (tvar-spec :kind nat-int?
:gen #(gen/large-integer
{:min 0
:max 100}))
:x (tvar-spec :kind ::t/any-spec?)
:y (tvar-spec :kind ::t/any-spec?)]
(s/fspec :args (s/cat :fn (s/fspec :args (s/cat :x (tvar :x))
:ret (tvar :y))
:colls (s/every (tvar :x)
:count (tvar :N)))
:ret (s/every (tvar :y)
:count (tvar :N)))))