just wrote a typing rule for async/go
(defmethod -unanalyzed-special 'clojure.core.async/go
[{:keys [form env] :as expr} expected]
(let [;; type check the go body
cbody (-> `(do ~@(rest form))
(ana2/unanalyzed env)
(-> expr
;; put expanded body back into go call
(update :form (fn [form]
(with-meta (list `async/go (emit-form/emit-form cbody))
(meta form))))
;; evaluate partially expanded go call if top-level
;; use checked body to populate return type and check against expected
u/expr-type (below/maybe-check-below
(r/ret (c/-name `tasync/Chan (-> cbody u/expr-type :t))
:tag nil))))
News update: "Performance improvements (25%), async type rules" https://www.patreon.com/posts/38246734