cryogen - static sites by @U0DJK1VH6 & Co.
chiniara 2020-02-16T17:04:32.043200Z

I found the problem, it's not on cryogen

chiniara 2020-02-16T17:04:42.043600Z

Sorry I posted on the issue

chiniara 2020-02-16T17:05:27.043800Z

chiniara 2020-02-16T17:32:50.044900Z

It was a selmer update that hardcoded / for paths breaking windows compatibility

👍 1
chiniara 2020-02-16T19:56:34.045800Z

Yeah I thought I could fix it but it looks like it was not what I was thinking

chiniara 2020-02-16T19:56:46.046200Z

Tests are also broken on windows