cryogen - static sites by @U0DJK1VH6 & Co.
cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T00:06:59.011600Z

> Error: resource-path for /html/page.html returned nil, typically means the file doesn't exist in your classpath. Getting this now, for some reason

carmen 2020-03-30T00:11:58.014700Z

@cpmcdaniel Windows problems 😅 there's an issue open for that right now @yogthos and I don't run Windows so if you're able to tackle the bug that would be much appreciated 😄 Alternatively you could use an older version of Selmer since people have successfully used Cryogen on windows in the past

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T00:13:56.016200Z

Ah, see I was using a docker image and a local volume to run cryogen from a docker container. Then I fired up Cursive/IDEA and tried running lein ring server from the IDE.

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T00:17:05.016600Z

of course, there is also WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T00:17:28.017100Z

given the state of the clj tool itself on Windows, maybe we should just steer folks to use WSL

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T04:11:33.017500Z

I think I have a fix for issue 204

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T04:11:53.018Z

I'll try to get a PR together for it

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T04:12:44.019100Z

I haven't done PRs from a fork in a while. Is it customary just to make the commits in master in my fork and submit a PR from there, or is it generally better to do my work in a branch?

teh0xqb 2020-03-30T12:46:13.022500Z

Hey. I would work in a branch. iirc You can set up the PR with a different origin (fork source) into master regardless. Then, once the PR is accepted and merged, your fork’s master would be clean and you can pull latest master cleanly into your fork.

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T12:46:56.023700Z

Yeah, I looked at some other PRs as an example and did it that way

teh0xqb 2020-03-30T12:48:01.024200Z


teh0xqb 2020-03-30T12:48:05.024500Z

you’re always online now

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T12:48:10.024800Z

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T12:49:27.025200Z

:lol: I stayed up a little too late last night working on this.

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T16:44:21.025900Z

I also found that the Selmer unit tests had the same issue (using getAbsolutePath instead of getAbsoluteFile) and were failing on Windows, along with some others that were failing because of line separators:

teh0xqb 2020-03-30T12:46:13.022500Z

Hey. I would work in a branch. iirc You can set up the PR with a different origin (fork source) into master regardless. Then, once the PR is accepted and merged, your fork’s master would be clean and you can pull latest master cleanly into your fork.

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T12:46:56.023700Z

Yeah, I looked at some other PRs as an example and did it that way

teh0xqb 2020-03-30T12:48:01.024200Z


teh0xqb 2020-03-30T12:48:05.024500Z

you’re always online now

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T12:48:10.024800Z

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T12:49:27.025200Z

:lol: I stayed up a little too late last night working on this.

cpmcdaniel 2020-03-30T16:44:21.025900Z

I also found that the Selmer unit tests had the same issue (using getAbsolutePath instead of getAbsoluteFile) and were failing on Windows, along with some others that were failing because of line separators: