cryogen - static sites by @U0DJK1VH6 & Co.
Jakub Holý 2020-11-11T22:04:55.116100Z

Can somebody else pls try whether works for them or not? It works for me but bombaywalla experiences problems I am unable to replicate 🙏

dorab 2020-11-13T02:36:59.116300Z

@holyjack I've tried several times, and on two separate machines. I still get the "Page not found" error. I'm including the exact commands I used. Perhaps you can see what I am doing differently.

dorab 2020-11-13T02:38:38.116500Z

Dorabs-iMac:holyjak dorab$ git clone Cloning into 'cryogen-docs'... remote: Enumerating objects: 36, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (36/36), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done. remote: Total 964 (delta 6), reused 26 (delta 4), pack-reused 928 Receiving objects: 100% (964/964), 605.04 KiB | 1.62 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (475/475), done. Dorabs-iMac:holyjak dorab$ cd cryogen-docs/ Dorabs-iMac:cryogen-docs dorab$ git checkout --track origin/migrate-to-latest Branch 'migrate-to-latest' set up to track remote branch 'migrate-to-latest' from 'origin'. Switched to a new branch 'migrate-to-latest' Dorabs-iMac:cryogen-docs dorab$ lein run OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release. loading module: Markdown parser compiling assets... overriding config.edn with: {:extend-params-fn  #object[cryogen.compiler$compile_assets_timed$extend_params__8000 0x1c8d9ac9 "cryogen.compiler$compile_assets_timed$extend_params__8000@1c8d9ac9"]} compiling sass copying theme resources themes/docs/css --> public/css themes/docs/js --> public/js themes/docs/html/404.html --> public/404.html themes/docs/img --> public/img copying resources content/md/docs --> public/docs compiling pages --> /docs/home.html --> /docs/getting-started.html --> /docs/structure.html --> /docs/configuration.html --> /docs/writing-posts.html --> /docs/creating-pages.html --> /docs/switching-markdown-asciidoc.html --> /docs/customizing-the-index.html --> /docs/klipse.html --> /docs/deploying-to-github-pages.html --> /docs/deploying-with-nginx-VPS.html --> /docs/customizing-cryogen.html --> /docs/deploying-with-travis.html compiling tags page compiling index compiling archives generating site map generating main rss generating filtered rss "Elapsed time: 1256.63473 msecs" Dorabs-iMac:cryogen-docs dorab$ lein ring server OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release. SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. loading module: Markdown parser compiling assets... overriding config.edn with: {:extend-params-fn  #object[cryogen.compiler$compile_assets_timed$extend_params__12041 0x648be86e "cryogen.compiler$compile_assets_timed$extend_params__12041@648be86e"]} compiling sass copying theme resources themes/docs/css --> public/css themes/docs/js --> public/js themes/docs/html/404.html --> public/404.html themes/docs/img --> public/img copying resources content/md/docs --> public/docs compiling pages --> /docs/home.html --> /docs/getting-started.html --> /docs/structure.html --> /docs/configuration.html --> /docs/writing-posts.html --> /docs/creating-pages.html --> /docs/switching-markdown-asciidoc.html --> /docs/customizing-the-index.html --> /docs/klipse.html --> /docs/deploying-to-github-pages.html --> /docs/deploying-with-nginx-VPS.html --> /docs/customizing-cryogen.html --> /docs/deploying-with-travis.html compiling tags page compiling index compiling archives generating site map generating main rss generating filtered rss "Elapsed time: 1250.917614 msecs" Started server on port 3000 ^CDorabs-iMac:cryogen-docs dorab$

dorab 2020-11-13T02:40:08.116800Z

And, here is a screenshot of the browser.

dorab 2020-11-13T02:42:08.117200Z

Any idea where I can look next to find the issue?

dorab 2020-11-13T02:45:57.117400Z

Another approach. Since the current state of the repo is broken, how about just applying your pull request and seeing what happens in CI. Thoughts?

dorab 2020-11-13T03:55:36.117600Z

@holyjak I think I have found the problems. What I did was to compare what you have with what is created by lein new cryogen I am attaching a patch file for src/cryogen/server.clj that you can apply to your server.clj. With this patch, I can get lein ring server to work. If you apply this patch to your fork and let me know, I'll try out the updated fork.