Hm, cryogen-core has "Build forked pull requests" enabled in CircleCI but the CI is not checking PRs. Why could that be, any idea?
@holyjak I had a similar problem with your PRs for babashka. This is likely because you also have added the forked project to CircleCI under your own account.
Oh, I have no idea that happened! Thanks a lot!
does cryogen support building tag clouds OOTB?
I think both, but counts is more basic - can be used in other ways.
Hm, when I go to I see all my projects and fork incl. babashka with "Set up project" indicating to me that they are not added anywhere...
No. But you could do something like this to add tag counts and use that info in the page to create the tag cloud using a JS library?
If it helps, we could also consider including tag counts OOTB, that would be a simple change, I suppose.
I think it's such a common case that we could add the function and make it opt in opt out via a config flag . wdyt?
@holyjak: can you share the source of your cryogen website? I would like to "borrow" some code if that is ok with you. I would like to have website sections and put content there based on that: • a section root directory where the content for that section can be placed • a section index where pages from that section can be displayed
You mean section index like the sidebar index at
thanks, I will check it out tomoorow - looks vey much what I have in mind. I will also go through all the docs (again)
ok, then I don't know what happened
Counts or tag cloud you mean?