cryogen - static sites by @U0DJK1VH6 & Co.
dorab 2020-12-08T01:06:27.233900Z

I've created a new release for cryogen version 0.6.3. Thanks to @holyjak. @yogthos would you please push to clojars. Thanks.

yogthos 2020-12-08T01:32:44.234300Z

oh yeah sure thing

🙏 1
dorab 2020-12-08T01:46:57.236400Z

@yogthos Thanks for the publishing to clojars. Does the clojars deployment need a jar or pom added to it? I ask because I just tried lein new cryogen myblog and got

Dorabs-iMac:tmp dorab$ lein new cryogen myblog
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Retrieving cryogen/lein-template/0.6.3/lein-template-0.6.3.pom from clojars
Could not find artifact cryogen:lein-template:jar:RELEASE
This could be due to a typo in :dependencies, file system permissions, or network issues.
If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable.
Could not find template cryogen on the classpath.
Dorabs-iMac:tmp dorab$ 
Or, was it something I did wrong in assembling the release?

dorab 2020-12-08T01:50:25.236900Z

I just checked and the jar is missing from clojars.

dorab 2020-12-08T01:50:40.237200Z

The pom is there.

seancorfield 2020-12-08T01:52:45.237900Z

I was able to do clojure -X:new :template cryogen :name cryogen.test and get a working new project.

seancorfield 2020-12-08T01:55:22.240500Z

One thing I noticed in the generated deps.edn file: (requires tools-deps 0.9.745+) -- I'm not sure what you're referring to there? The exec stuff came in with Clojure CLI -- that's the relevant version for this stuff per (and 0.9.810 is the t.d.a version in that CLI)

dorab 2020-12-08T01:55:41.241100Z

Hmm. That is strange. I just looked at my ~/.m2 and did not see any jar file.

dorab 2020-12-08T01:56:19.241500Z

Will try downloading again.

seancorfield 2020-12-08T01:56:37.242100Z

When folks run clojure -Sdescribe they'll see the 1.10.1.* version which is the important part.

seancorfield 2020-12-08T01:56:41.242300Z

(! 962)-> ls -lR ~/.m2/repository/cryogen/lein-template/0.6.3/
total 424
-rw-r--r--  1 sean  staff     206 Dec  7 17:50 _remote.repositories
-rw-r--r--  1 sean  staff  197754 Dec  7 17:50 lein-template-0.6.3.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 sean  staff      40 Dec  7 17:50 lein-template-0.6.3.jar.sha1
-rw-r--r--  1 sean  staff    3564 Dec  7 17:50 lein-template-0.6.3.pom
-rw-r--r--  1 sean  staff      40 Dec  7 17:50 lein-template-0.6.3.pom.sha1

seancorfield 2020-12-08T01:57:33.242800Z

Maybe you genuinely had a network glitch @dorab?

dorab 2020-12-08T01:57:51.243100Z

Possibly. I'll try again.

seancorfield 2020-12-08T01:58:42.243200Z

@dorab Just want to check that this comment wasn't missed in the convo about downloading the JAR...

dorab 2020-12-08T02:01:13.243600Z

Works now 🙂

dorab 2020-12-08T02:02:24.243700Z

Yes. Thanks. Investigating.

dorab 2020-12-08T02:11:07.243900Z

I agree. That comment is incorrect. Will fix it in the next release, since it is a comment.

dorab 2020-12-08T02:11:13.244100Z


yogthos 2020-12-08T05:35:17.244800Z


yogthos 2020-12-08T05:35:32.245Z

good to hear everything's working

seancorfield 2020-12-08T05:39:27.245600Z

Very pleased to see CLI/`deps.edn` support.

Andrei Stan 2020-12-08T10:56:25.248400Z

Hi, where do i 'tell' cryogen to generate pages from content/asc/pages and not content/md/pages ? i tried deleting the content/md folder but no pages will be generated in my public

✅ 1
Andrei Stan 2020-12-08T11:16:04.248500Z

seems that i needed to add "asc/" into config.edn file:

:post-root  "asc/posts"

Andrei Stan 2020-12-08T11:19:49.249100Z

but this does not resolve it; it just copies asc files into public/pages/

Jakub Holý 2020-12-08T12:07:27.249300Z

It depends on your dependencies. Remove the cryogen-flexmark dependency and add the cryogen-asciidoc one. The dependency hardcodes where it looks for content.

Jakub Holý 2020-12-08T12:07:52.249500Z uses asciidoc (and I have :post-root "posts" , which will look for content/<installed markdown code, ie. asc or md>/posts

👍 1
Andrei Stan 2020-12-08T12:49:17.249900Z

@holyjak thank you, it resolved my issue 😄

👍 1
dorab 2020-12-08T17:46:56.254400Z

There are new releases for cryogen-core, cryogen, and cryogen-docs (and thus Adding support for Clojure CLI / deps.edn support (in addition to lein), and also a fast compilation mode, for use during development, that compiles just the changed pages (but not dependent pages).