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how can I define css like this in clojurescript?:

.row-eq-height {
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display:         flex;
I've tried creating a style tag, and I get an error because it complains that I've already defined display, which I have... but how else can I do this?

niamu 2016-02-10T06:37:25.000006Z

Are you using garden?

niamu 2016-02-10T06:37:52.000007Z

garden support vendor prefixes for this use case.

niamu 2016-02-10T06:39:10.000008Z

It also supports multiple multiple maps so you can do things like… {:display “-ms-flexbox”} {:display “flex”}

niamu 2016-02-10T06:41:34.000010Z

This issue is a decent example of how the automatic vendor prefixing works in Garden I believe. https://github.com/noprompt/garden/issues/64